Thursday, December 28, 2006

Brunei to regulate VOIP

After the proliferation of VOIP providers in the world, everyone in the world is talking about VOIP and making free calls

however, little they know when their government would come to know about this FREE world and they think about taxing it. Well, thats the same thing prolly gonna happen in Brunei. The news appeared in online edition of Brunei Times.

Recently, Indian govertment was planning to regulate VOIP services so that they can make some quick bucks out of it. With growing popularity of VOIP, more and more developing countries will look at it as a quick money churning engine and will regulate/ban to whatever extent they can.

They would give you reasons such as:

- VOIP service can be exploited by Terrorist organisations
- Local operators are loosing money to them
- Its harmful for the country's socal and economic growth (thats really funny but you never know they would say it.LOL)

Can you think of anything else? do drop comments.

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