Friday, December 29, 2006

Sgoope- Free Calls (Ads supported) to the world

Sgoope is a new alternative to Skype. It's using Ad-supported VOIP model, similar to Globe 7. I have already discussed Globe 7 and posted a short review as a part of "future Of VOIP" post.

The most unique thing about Sgoope is the way it credits back talktime. By talking online you earn more credits for phone calls. Each time you call a Sgoope or Skype user it gives you some FREE CREDIT to make more calls. You earn 2 minutes of free talktime by talking 5 minutes with a SKYPE or SGOOPE user.

It works as follows to give you an example:

You call a Skype user from your SGOOPE phone for 15 minutes whereby you earn 60 CIMs. Afterwards you call a land line phone in Australia. The first 4 minutes are free, and for the 60 CIMs you have earned you can talk for another 5 minutes free of charge.

To see the list of free countries, Check here. Surprisingly, this list also has India and some other countries which are typically not offered under the FREE Calls scheme by providers such as Voipcheap, VOipbuster, jajah etc

With free calls to landline and mobile phones, Sgoope will soon be conquering all competitors. The calls are ad-supported. When you accept ads you get free phone time.

Additionally, you can SMS, Email and even use it as a answering machine.

you can download this application here

It's my TOP Pick of the day & Must download for all VOIP fans


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