Friday, December 29, 2006

Taiwan Earthquake & Internet in Asia-Latest Update

I have received some updates from my telecom friends that the work is currently undergoing 24/7. Although, HZ SG has posted some very interesting facts about the current status.

The current status of the work as per hardwarezone

RNAL Segment (Hong Kong - Busan) & Segment (Hong Kong - Toucheng):
- The RNAL cable path between Busan and TongFuk was down at 1243utc 26-Dec.
The other cable path, Hong Kong - Toucheng Taiwan was also down at 1942UTC. It caused the Hong Kong being isolated from the cable system. The fault point of segment HKG - Toucheng is about 731km from Tong Fuk cable station.
- Cable Ship Lodbrog arrived at the repair ground in the afternoon of 28-Dec. Plan-of-Work is not yet available but expected to complete in 5 days if everything goes smooth.

APCN System 1 Segment B17 (Hong Kong branch)
- The traffic on APCN system 1 was down since 1815utc 26-Dec. The fault is in the segment B17 (Hong Kong Branch). Power reconfiguration was completed on 27-Dec evening hence the Korea - Japan and Taiwan were back to service.
- Cable ship Asean Restorer, who is now in Singapore, is mobilized for the APCN SYS1 & SYS2 repair.

APCN System 2 Segment B5 (Taiwan Branch)
- The traffic on APCN system 2 B5 (Taiwan branch) was also down at 2044utc 26-Dec. It made the Taiwan node being isolated from APCN system. The fault location is about 920km from Toucheng cable station.
- The segment will be repaired after the System 1 work.

SMW3 S1.8 (Fangshan - BU4) and S1.7 (BU3 - BU4)
- SMW3 reported that the traffic to Fangshan was lost since 1225utc 26-Dec. It was due to two faults appeared in SMW3 S1.8 and S1.7. The fault point of S1.8 is about 44km from FangShan cable station, whilst the fault point of S1.7 is 459km from Shantou cable station.
- Cable ship Retriever, who is now in Philippine, is mobilized for the SMW3 repair.

APCN2 Segment 7 (Tanshui - Shantou) & Segment 3 (Hong Kong - ChongMing)
- The APCN2 S7 (Tanshui - Shantou) was reported down at 1606UTC 26-Dec whilst the S3 (Hong Kong - ChongMing) was also down at 1801utc. It caused the traffic isolation between Southern Asia (Hong Kong/Singapore/ Malaysia/Philippine) to Northern Asia (Japan/Taiwan/Korea).
- The HKG to Singapore/Malaysia/Philippine traffic was still working fine in the southern Asia region.
- The fault point of S7 is about 905km from Tanshui cable station, whilst that of S3 is about 2091km from ChongMing cable station.

CS KPL (Japan) will be mobilized for the repair of APCN2 S3 & S7
- China-US segment W1 (Shantou - ChongMing) & Segment S1 (Shantou - Okinawa/SLO)
- China-US segment W2 (Spur to Fangshan) was isolated since 1227utc 26-Dec. Fault point is about 9.7km from FangShan
- At 1859UTC, another cable fault developed on China-US segment S1, 502km from Shantou cable station.
- At 0207utc 27-Dec, the segment W1 (Shantou - ChongMing) was also down that made the Shantou node being isolated from China-US cable system. The fault point is about 452km from Shantou cable station.
- CS KDD Ocean Link (KOL) will be mobilized for the repair of CHUS.

FLAG FEA Sub-System 8 (Hong Kong - Shanghai - Korea)
- FLAG FEA reported that the Sub-system 8 had suffered cable fault at 2056UTC. The fault point is between Repeater 9 and Repeater 10 near Hong Kong.
- Currently no any repair schedule for the FEA repair.

Worst Case Scenario is that the internet will not be as good as it was till about 2nd Jan. Damn...i have holidays for 4 days..what a waste :-(


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