Saturday, December 16, 2006

Talkster bridges VOIP with Mobile

Business mobility company Talkster Inc. today unveiled a groundbreaking voice over Internet (VoIP) network that allows users to place calls from ordinary mobile phones to traditional and next generation voice services.

Talkster network will now be able to connect mobile phones to VoIP networks and devices without phone numbers, such as IP-PBX office phones provisioned inside a corporate IP network.

Talkster is the only service that lets you talk to your Instant Messenger buddies on MSN, Google Talk and Gizmo Project – without the need for any software on your phone or PC, special devices, networks or data plans from your carrier.

Talkster is currently offering a beta service that can be used by a broad array of mobile phones without requiring special software or networks. The Talkster beta service is open to users worldwide and people can sign up at to start using the beta service today.

Check out Talkster today.


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