Sunday, December 17, 2006

Using VOIP? You are vulerable to Hacking

My recent article about Skype supernodes Security Issue has raised many questions about people actually expoliting opportunities to hack via VOIP.

With the rising popularity of VOIP and ever improving technology to connect VOIP to normal landlines/mobile to make calls, its not a front line telecom device/service which will widely used around the world as preferred telecommunication medium.

Cybercriminals will exploit vulnerabilities in the application and launch attacks, according to Paul Wood, senior analyst at MessageLabs.

MessageLabs annual intelligence report, released this week, predicts that IM attacks will become more aggressive in 2007. Social networking sites, such as MySpace and Facebook, will become increasingly attractive targets for hackers due to the accessible information that is posted, according to the report.

"2006 was the year that spammers took the security industry by storm and showcased their new tactics and techniques for mass disruption," said Mark Sunner, MessageLabs CTO.

"Spam has categorically shed its title of being a nuisance and is a perilous threat, which all companies need to be protected against. Next year will certainly bring more targeted and sophisticated attacks as the bad guys continue to sharpen their tools."

We can surely expect a couple of similar myspace attacks on major VOIP providers in the coming months. After Skype going to be full paid service, crackers will be on the lookout for hacking into your accounts .

Although, VOIP indusry would fight back with answers (spamguards, firewalls etc), hope its not too late before we were attacked by the bad guys.

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