Wednesday, January 17, 2007

GOIP-Google's VOIP

With more than hundreds of new VOIP companies opening up every year or new services by old VOIP players (Betamax), I wonder if its the turn of the giant monster Google to look at VOIP seriously. If ever that happens, whatever be the result of that service, whether its a success or a failure. I can predict that it will break all hits record in recent year for a new google service i Exaggerating? Perhaps yes...perhaps NO.

Since i already on the way to juice up about this service, Lets look what we expect from Google VOIP my words: GOIP

Let me jot down some of the feature i definately would like to see in GOIP:

  1. Option to Call via Website/Client
  2. Free Calls to Landlines/Mobile from the Client (including India and other VOIP alien countries)
  3. Integration of GOIP & Google Talk as one Client
  4. GOIP will work on Win98. I know many bitch about GTalk and Win 98 non-compatibility.

Now To provide this kind of Uber functionality, we gotta understand How GOIP Might Work?

  1. Google might have to turn to Ads and provide GOIP with Ad supported Calls, of course with Google Adwords.
  2. Another ideas is to get GOIP credits for Google activity. Dont know how it will work. Just my wild idea.
  3. Gizmo like choice of adding landline/mobile numbers to account, so dont need to be online.
  4. Google might have to use a GOIP Co-operative Technology. This is another wild idea and dont know if it's possible considering the regulations. If a user calls, it connect another GOIP user in some other country and then on and on to the final GOIP user. Basically, works like supernodes.

I can't think of anymore as of now, but will definately return to this article to add some GOIP juice. In the mean time, All readers please free to comment and add your own juice to the articles. I am eagerly waiting for that GUICE


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