Tuesday, January 9, 2007

iPhone is HERE-The sleekiest Phone of All Time

Apple today unveiled a so called Phone + ipod+ Internet Browsing machine, officially named as "iPhone". I was watching CNN this morning as steve jobs unveiled the phone at the conference, people were amazed by the features provided by iPod. The CNN video shows a couple of mins footage of the iPhone features.

One of the striking difference of iPhone is its damn sleek design just like your now favorite iPod and using your hands instead of damn silly stylus :P

According to Reuters, The iPhone is thinner than some of the cellphone industry's sleekest devices, such as Motorola Inc.'s RAZR. It will cost $499 to $599 when it debuts in the United States, and is expected to hit Europe in the fourth quarter and Asia in 2008.

During the conference, Jobs predicted that in 2008 Apple could sell 10 million iPhones, representing roughly 1 percent of the current annual mobile phone market of 1 billion units a year. Last year, the consumer electronics market globally was worth $145 billion.

In my opinion, the iPhone will gain substantial market share and will soon become the killer of mobile market. I will not be surprised to see many VOIP companies trying to make their plug-ins available to be used on the iPhone. Jajah already providers plugins for MS outlook and Firefox, they might as well do it for iPhone.

Watch Video for iPhone features and Looks


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