Sunday, January 21, 2007

POLL: What's Your Favorite VOIP Provider?

After a series of informative posts about VOIP service providers, some user have sent me emails about adding some interactivity to this blog and share some of user's experience about VOIP service provider. I totally respect my users and i infact liked the idea of running a poll or interactive session of discussion about VOIP providers.

This is the first poll on this blog but this is just the start. I will host new polls every week and each poll will end on Friday. Although this poll started on Tuesday, it will only be available till Friday. On Saturday, I will announce the results and we can then discuss the outcome of the polls.

Update: Due to some issues with the Poll Script i was using, I had to stop hosting the poll. Neverthless, we have received numerous votes and give a pretty good picture of favorite VOIP providers among the visitors of VG (VoipGuide)

Now, Lets look at the results. VoipCheap seems to be the most favourable among the voters. Other betamax services such as voipbuster, voipdiscount are following up with their front-runner. Others are way-off, especially surpised with Jajah getting only 4 votes. However to be honest, iCall owns when you are calling USA/Canada coz it allows you to call from anywhere in the world, which is a limiation with almost all others.

Thanks everyone who voted. Next time, I will host the poll on a better website :-) to avoid issues.

Please drop comments, if you agree or disagree with the results.


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