Friday, January 5, 2007

Top 5 VOIP downloads to make free calls

I had been busy writing multiple articles and stories about how to make free calls using VOIP. Many of you have written several emails/comments about the articles and i have made honest attempt to reply. I am sorry if i have missed some of your comments/emails. Currently i have been receiving more than 10-20 emails everyday asking about free calls in various countries they belong to.

Unfortunately I am not GOD, I wish I could have been :p even god has limitations (not VOIP regulations, they suck). Well moving on with this article, i have seen that most of the people are totally confused about what VOIP client to use for making FREE calls. So today i am going to put down my TOP 5 picks for making FREE calls. They are a must download for all VOIP fans and also for those who want to know how VOIP can make a lot of difference to their life.

Top 5 VOIP downloads (This is my personal opinion and its not influenced by any service provider or company)

Important Note: This list does not consider services such as Jajah, who provide a online VOIP service instead of a software to make calls. Jajah is equally good as a VOIP service, however can't be listed here.

To download the software click on the title of software. Most of them are direct links.

1) VoipCheap - A must download for everyone. This software has mainly 2 version and people often get misleaded by downloading the UK version of this software which i heard ask for intial credit to make FREE calls. Please avoid downloading that version. To read instruction, Read here

2) Gizmo- Gizmo takes VOIP to a new level by offering registered members call other registered members landline/mobile numbers. The only catch is both should be registered, similar to Jajah.

3) Skype: Yeah i know you hate it now, since its no more FREE. But h0nestly, you cant beat the voice quality skype offers. Its perhaps because of their supernodes technology, which isnt really safe but heck. If you are using a SIP phone with Skype. It still the best alternative out there for a VOIP, honestly.

4) iCall: iCall lets you call USA & Canada for FREE. Now thats a perfect Skype alternative. More detail info on Icall and its services, you can read my article here

5) Sgoope : This is one of the AD supported VOIP app. The AD pays for your call. To read more about this app, read my detailed article

Besides the TOP 5, there are many others such as Tpad which gives FREE VOIPin number and free credits for receiving calls (only available in UK).

Now start calling the world!

If you like this article, you want to know the TOP 5 VOIP providers for Making FREE calls?


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