Saturday, January 20, 2007

UK lags on VOIP growth

UK market and the service providers are known for being too insecure about VOIP and providing free services to their customers. Zdnet has covered a article on VOIP growth in UK and how its lagging behind other countries, coz companies in UK fear the cost of setting up VOIP cant be substantiated.

When i first started searching for free calls offers. I was expecting two countries to have a FREE CALLS for landlines/mobiles and those were USA/UK. However, it wasn't true. USA has a pretty open policy for routing calls and any TDM (tom dick harry) can give free calls to USA. You will never find any service which offers free calls to UK mobiles. At least i am not aware of. If you know any, please enlighten me. I wonder, is that something to do with the setting up cost. In my opinion, No, it's all about making money and robbing customers to pay for the connect charges.

The original article further mentions that The Brits are among the slowest to catch on to new services such as VOIP and IPTV compared to other countries, according to recent research for Ofcom. I think it's time for brits to look beyond, Big Brother and get serious about VOIP.


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