Thursday, February 1, 2007

Fring-Make FREE Mobile to Mobile Calls with P2P Mobile VoIP technology

While looking for some mobile VOIP application, I found Fring, A new P2P Mobile VOIP Technology based application. Its definately sounds like a too good to be true solution considering that it will give Mobile to Mobile FREE Calls all over the world bypassing your local mobile operator connect charges.

How Does it Work?

The fring solution establishes a Peer-To-Peer VoIP connection between calling parties, enabling true VoIP sessions between fring enabled handsets and also between handsets and PCs.

According to their Website, fring is based on a unique thin-client technology that for the first time enables true VoIP over 3G, GPRS and Wi-Fi networks. fring dynamically adapts itself to the optimal network and handset characteristics while enabling seamless roaming VoIP on multiple networks. The dedicated three-sided P2P network architecture has been developed to support near telco-grade voice quality and network efficiency.

What I need to use it?
All you need to use fring is a 3G handset optimized for 3G or Wi-Fi networks and internet connection or wifi for connecting to the fring server.

How can i download the application?
Pretty simple, head off to their website, give your details such as Mobile number, They will send you a SMS. Follow instructions to download.

This works for almost all countries in the world including India.


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