Monday, February 5, 2007

Futurephone no longer available, went bust?

One of the readers tipped me about Futurephone. I was curious to find out the truth and to my surprise, they did close the site down. Atleast it says its no more available.

There are many possibilities, Lets look at what might have forced them to close down the shops. One of the strongest felling is they are not able to manage the cost of the call. Futurephone is a minute stealer service (a word coined by Andy Abramason, a fellow uber blogger).

According to Andy, " The Minute Stealers of today buy bulk minutes from the wholesale side of carriers and route the calls over lower costing service options, sometimes the same carrier who sells service already to the same customers. The difference, by buying in bulk the "minute stealers" hope to arbitrage and settle minutes at better margins or sell more volume. "

Now if you are not able to arbritrage the minutes properly, you might end up in trouble. Prolly that's what happened to Futurephone. I was surprised to see that no one knows about the story, but i am sure to see some comments about Futurephone on other VOIP blogs soon.

Now I wonder if this leads to more business going down the same way as "futurephone". What will happen to what about Freecallplanet?

Will keep yuu updated with the latest news on Futurephone and the real deal behind the "Minute Stealers". Perhaps i need some free time to sit down and study their real business plan :-)

Hopefully, people like Gizmocall wont shut down soon! Finmgers Crossed!


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