Tuesday, February 6, 2007

GizmoCall Hack to make 20 Minutes Calls Everyday

This cool little hack (some people dont like this word *WINK*) or workaround will let you use Gizmocall for another 10 minutes. This will results in 10 mins (official) + 10 mins *wih hack)= 20 mins calls everyday.

Lets see how you can make it happen!

How I discovered it?

Day before yesterday, i was calling home with Gizmocall. I spoke for about 9 mins 45 secs and my phone got cut. I just heard that "Lady voice" saying you only have 30 secs call left with Gizmocall. Suddenly, my call got cut without any reason when i actually had about 13 secs? lol. I was about to close the website and i noticed something funny. I had about 0.13 secs call time left. I was thinking to myself, 0.13 secs? Lets try using it. I re-dialed the last number and to my surprise, It connected my call. I thought now it will disconnect after 0.13 secs and that "GizmoCall Witch" (LOL) will start giving you a lecture about adding credits. Whoa, but you know what...the call just went on and on and on, for 10 full minutes. Of course during that time, my available talk time counter went to 0, but call continued for 10 mins. WOW. It was like total ownage!

How to do it?

First of all, are you new to Gizmocall, then first read this Gizmocall Installation & Usage Guide. I bet you won't find that comprehensive anywhere on the net and not even on Gizmocall website :-)

Now you know how to use Gizmocall, Good.

Remember this hack will work only wih "Registered Members"

Lets say you are calling someone and you are about to complete your 10 minutes. Just hang up when about the counter is about 9:60 secs and you have 40 secs left with your call. This can be lower but i dont suggest you go beyond this. Now Hang-up the phone at around that time. You will notice that you still have about 0.40 secs left with your call. Now you can call the same number or any other number. The Gizmocall will connect your call within those 40 secs, but will then totally ignore the time counter and your call continues for another 10 minutes.

This works perfect and some of the blog readers confirmed it. If you face any issues, Let me know or discuss in comments.

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