Wednesday, February 14, 2007

LowrateVOIP Offers FREE Calls to Mobile in many countries

We have seen that most of the service provider restrict free calls to landlines and typically dont offer free mobile calls. However the new voip service by betamax, Lowratevoip offers some Free calls to some of the neverfree countries. These countries wouldn't even dream of being in the free calls leagure.

You can call following countries Mobile free via Lowratevoip
  1. bahamas (mobile)
  2. bermuda (mobile)
  3. brunei darussalam (mobile)
  4. cyprus (mobile)
  5. hong kong (mobile) (Typically offered with other services as well)
  6. laos (mobile)
  7. macau (mobile)
  8. puerto rico (mobile) (Typically offered with other services as well)
  9. singapore (mobile) (Typically offered with other services as well)
  10. south korea (mobile)
  11. thailand (mobile)
  12. united states (mobile) (The most common FREE Destination)

So what are you waiting for, Download lowratevoip and start calling!!!


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