Saturday, February 24, 2007

Reasons to avoid updating your FREE VOIP Software

Since January and February, all betamax services such as Voipcheap, Voipbuster, Voipdiscount, lowratevoip has released a newer version. When you start these applications, you get a small bubble window in your taskbar indicating that there is an update to "Voipcheap" etc. Its my strong feeling that typically these updates screw the whole software by patching the older bugs which typically allow you to make free calls for longer time/duration.

For e.g i have the older voipcheap version which never give me any issues. But when i hear people saying that voipcheap dont allow calls after 10 mins and it just says "Your trials calls are over, please re-credit" or whatever that is, I can understand whats really happening with the newer version.
Honestly i have never seen any change in the newer version besides patching those bugs which are actually favoring the users.

My strong advice is not to upgrade these software at all, coz they get all the new free countries if ever they introduce. It just works perfectly well..

You should ask yourself these questions before you update the free voip softwares.

  1. Am i getting any more free minutes?
  2. Is there any major change like free SMS, Free VOIP in number?
  3. The new update will allow to make call to some country to which i can't call now? Very rarely this will happen coz changes are made at server level and not on client level.
If all the answers are NO..just be happy with what you get. There is a old saying. Curiosity kills the Cat :-)


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