Saturday, February 17, 2007

VOIP Guide- Evergreen VOIP Free services Roundup

Today I am going to jot down some of the must read posts on this blog, Lets call them "Evergreen Posts".

These posts are mainly about VOIP free calls, service, provider review & even VOIP security related and featured on many other established websites/VOIP blogs. I strongly suggest you read them.

VOIP guide has received numerous emails/comments over the last 2 months and every contributor has added some value to the blog. Thanks everyone for your love and those subscriber numbers (650+) just sums up the story.

My all famous gizmo call hack: Perhaps the hack which forced them to change their policy :-)
VOIP Free Calls FAQ- Collection of Questions & Answers from Visitors
VOIP in Indian Subcontinent- The real story about whats the future of VOIP
How to setup free Voice Conferencing - Read a step-by-step Guide.
GOIP- Hack- Featured & endorsed by itself.
How to make calls with voipcheap- Read this complete step-by-step guide to make free calls with voipcheap.
Make free calls to USA & Canada from anywhere in the world
Top 5 Security Threats in VOIP
Sgoope- Another Skype alternative
Future of VOIP
Top 5 Free VOIP providers for International Calls


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