Monday, March 19, 2007

Google Phone Prototype Leaked?

I discussed about a possibility of google VOIP some days back, but that was just a possibility. Google Phone, however will be a reality soon. Can we expect an all round winner from this search engine monster popularly known as BigG (i would call them Gaddy- Google Daddy or Gig Daddy. lol)

According to, the google phone is in the making. "Some of the time the engineers are dedicated to developing a mobile phone," Isabel Aguilera is quoted as saying on the Spanish-news Web site"

However Google has always kept mum on this topic and never disclosed in an official statement that they are working on a google phone. But rumour has it that its in the making. Google phone posts are all over the place including some prototype pictures. I did some research myself and found some amazing pictures of the so called "Google Phone". As of now, no one can claim that any of those pictures are the real ones since there is no official statement or even initial designs available. Its all a mind game.

I got a lot of so called google phone pictures . you won't imagine but people did mods on Nokia N series to make it look like a google phone. DUH. i wont call it as design, but a waste of time and energy.

but I guess the following 3 can make some sense.

1) This picture is all over the web. Perhaps the closest to the real design?

2) Looks like a Handheld LCD TV? No its google Video phone for you! Really slick design

3) Really way off, but i like the concept of embedding a creditcard inside a phone :-)

Do you have any other prototype, do share with us!

Vote for your favorite design!


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