Friday, March 16, 2007

Jajah give free global yellow pages lookup

Jajah, a european startup, well known for being busy at making the marketing buzz, has announced a new service called as "Global Yellow Pages". This service will improve the jajah experience, especially when you are not sure about the contacts.

For e.g; I want to know a travel agent in Munich, germany offering european tours. i can lookup for their number by their name, just like we do it with the traditional yellow pages. Damn painless, it hurts my hands to hold those mega heavy directory for long :P

Once you finalise on whom to call, just click to call and your call will be placed to the party.
A great way of finding info and calling the party right-a-way. Another typical Jajah gadget.
Jajah is surely the most promising telecom startups this year and they are really the most innovative marketing buzz creators. Even if they dont win a award for a successful startup am sure they can get something for those cool "Gadgets" :-) Time to Rock Roman.


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