Friday, March 30, 2007

Jajah- A great PR company?

You know jajah, don't you? Yes yes (ja ja), I am talking about that european VOIP startup who has been in the news more than Skype this year. Although, they didnt beat skype outright in competition but they definately OWNED the media. I meant it when i said OWNED.

Every month, they come out with new products. Distribute to the media and get awesome coverage. I don't know the numbers at Jajah (besides the recent 2 million users base) but i can predict they are growing faster than we think. Maybe on a verge of a buyout?

Now distributing to the media, getting blogger to write stuff about their company etc etc is been there for a while. Companies did it for generating enough buzz, but what amazes me is how Jajah does it their true unique style. I guess their product department is berserk and on pure rampage. They might have purposely aligned the dates each month to keep it ongoing. Maybe Roman can answer these questions better :-)

Their recent announcement which came about 2 weeks back, was of a call center solution and then most recent was of 2millions users on Jajah network. One of the things, Jajah has always tried doing is to create application around the main product. I believe thats a great idea and it works so well. Like giving away the API, to develop applications. Recently, one of the developers made a Mac Widget for them. This sorta stuff turns into a good developer community and some loyal customer who look back jajah as one of those always evolving and fresh companies. I don't have to emphasis the importance of community building. you would very well know if you a professional gamer like me. Gaming companies often give away, their API to build maps & mods, in turn gets a huge free publicity. I think its essential for a company to become more collaborative and innovative. Jajah has both and thats their success mantra.

finally, before i am done with this post, Just want to post cool pics i found at the Jajah Press Center

No wonder Jajah is always in the limelight and they always will be. Remember it's not just about providing the service but its about reaching those half- millions people to use your services and other half to switch over to yours. Jajah is doing this more effectively than others. I wouldn't be surprised if europe gets coloured by jajah and skype had to play a secondary role.

Any takeover bids yet?


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