Monday, March 26, 2007

Send Paypal money over Skype

Have you had trouble requesting for money for the online services you provided. Many of the experts (including myself) provide online paid services to people around the globe and its difficult to receive money for those service. Basically, we give out our paypal email address and then they have to send the money to us. Too time consuming and some people are total noobs with paypal making it far more difficult.

I guess skype head our story and they recently annonced that Skype would soon be fully integrated with Paypal, making the Skype a more practical option for business users.

It's highly likely that this new service will be called as "Send Money" and will be bundled with their latest offering "Skype Prime". The exact date of the launch is not yet out however it's expected in and around April 2007.

So if you providing any online expert service to your clients and looking for quicker options to receive fees. Skype Prime with Send Money option will be an excellent addition to your skype.


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