Monday, March 5, 2007

VOIP Guide- The Free Call movement Grows further

First of all, I would like to thanks all the visitors of VOIP Guide. When I started this blog, I was just a simple VOIP user. I know a few things here and there :-) but i wont brag about it. The only inspiration i had was to share the knowledge and help people make FREE Calls around the world. I know there are millions of people in the world still paying huge phone bills when they shouldn't have. I know those million people might not even read this blog in their entire life. (i pity them)

Many of the visitor never participated in the discussion under comments, however i strongly feel everyone who visits the website has added some value to the content by inspiring me to find that new Free Call VOIP website or software. I would like to mention that some regular visitiors such as Daksh, Manni, Mak4Bd, Sam (sorry if i missed anyone's name) has contributed to a great extent.

VOIP Guide has also seen a tremendous growth in traffic Since February. The traffic has almost tripled since first week of Feb and its constatly building. Most of the visitors come from USA, India follows next. Although, I have seen a lack of mouth publicity. I would be happy if some of the visitor can link my blog on their blog or website to spread the word or even tell their friends or family.

VOIP Guide in the News:

Over the last few months, VOIP Guide has been in the news for all the good reasons. It was featured 4 times on some of the biggest news sites such as VOIP News etc. Some of the articles has been linked all over the place by other fellow bloggers/webmasters. Thanks to everyone for spreading the world and giving the credit. I will be adding some more original article in the coming days.


At the same time, there are numerous visitors/readers send me emails everyday, mainly about VOIP Support issues such as Gizmo Call not working, gizmocall.exe failed to load, how to use icall etc. Most of these VOIP issues are already covered on this blog under blog post or comments. I understand that people dont have enough time to read everything.

I love reading and replying to them, but lately it's going out of control. While i was away last week and only reading comments, i have receieved more than 200 emails from visitors all over the world and I am not yet done reading them :-) so if you are expecting a reply from me, just wait for some more time. its coming your way!

However at the same time, i strongly suggest everyone to ask your VOIP questions as "Comments" and email me when the issue is serious or you need a very quick answer.

There are multiple benefits of asking your VOIP support issues in comments. There are many more readers reading the comments everyday. They can reply to you before I would. They might have more knowledge about the topic than me.

Again let me reiterate, you can still send me Emails with Love, Hatred or whatever feeling you got for me :-) As i said, i will continue to read them and send replies. Hatred ones will get a quick

Whats in the Store for you?

Of course, I will continue to keep you updated with the latest happening in the VOIP Space. As you all know, I dont post all the VOIP news clutter that hits the news agencies everyday. I filter the best of the action and try to give you a sumarised picture of whats happening in the world of VOIP. I am sure if you are reading this blog, you will have nothing to do with a "Nokia Phone Launch". Who wants to read about Nokia phones on a VOIP Blog? Duh.

I am also planning a huge contest. I am not sure if that will materialise but i am working with some industry leaders on this one. Will post about the contest soon. If you are interested in sponsoring the contest or managing/helping with it. Please let me know. I might have some work for you.

The contest should have some great prizes and freebies coming your way.

Big Announcement:

I am looking for a couple of guest bloggers who can contribute to this blog mainly articles , news stories etc. If you are interested, please read below if you eligible for that
  1. Flare for writing : Its very important that you love writing and sharing your knowledge. This love will make you a good writer if not great.
  2. Time: Atleast about 2 hours per day
  3. A VOIP User (preferable)- Since you use it, you know it better.

What's the incentive? Well you will be a known face in blogging. I currently can't afford to pay you any money, but if writing is your passion and you want some fame, then come dive in. If i like your passion for writing, I might be offering a per month salary in future.

You can drop comments with the answers to the above questions as application for the Guest blogger.

Last but not the least, Please please please give your suggestions to improve this blog. Its very important since i feel it's not just mine but your blog as well.


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