Thursday, April 26, 2007

Fring enables VOIP on N95

You must have read the recent news about mobile operators disabling VOIP (SIP) features on Nokia N95. Perhaps most of you are already puzzled on whether to buy a mobile with disabled VOIP features. Here is the great news for all of you. Fring, a leading mobile VOIP company has an answer to "Manipulative" Mobile operators. Fring enables N95 with all Mobile VOIP functionality even on a disabled N95 phone. That sounds great. Jon at Fring has sent me a descriptive email explaining how they manage to break through the disabled N95 phones.

fring can mVoIP on any N95 handset because fring manages the VoIP configuration independent of the operator or VoIP settings. What these operators did was simply disable or hide the Internet settings from the specific handsets they distribute. This means that on these specific models from those operators, unless you install a client like fring, you can’t configure VoIP telephony services. Because fring works independent of the operator or VoIP settings, fring isn’t affected by these limitations.

On top of it, Fring works without a SIM card and and enables SIP even from non-SIP enabled handsets. So if you want to be totally sure that your operator is not charging you for Mobile VOIP calls, just throw that SIM card away :-)

Fring has also posted some nice video tutorial explaining how to use Mobile VOIP with Fring. Check out their mobile VOIP Videos


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