Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Google Phone in 2008

VOIP guide covered an exclusive story about Google Phone a few days back and posted some insider pictures of google phone. We have a debate over the original pictures but now the lets count the days to Google phone availabilty.

Digitimes reported that first lot of Google Phone should be available in 2008. Google phone is currently being manufactured by High Tech Computer (HTC). The shipments commencing at the end of 2007, according to handset component makers. The first lot could be as high as 1 million units. That's a good number for a strong push in the market. I am sure google phone willl create enough buzz to back those numbers and hold a plate at Mountain View naming "All Phones SOLD OUT".

The google phone handset is said to be compatible with 3G and EDGE. Google Mail and Google Maps will be pre-loaded with the handset.

Industry watchers argue that Google will parter with Orange for the launch of the handset. Google also has been in touch with other service providers for orders. However the numbers are not yet declared.

It seems that the launch will be intially limited to US & Europe and based on the response extended to other countries including the fastest growing Asia market. No one can ignore asia anymore.

It would be interesting to see how google phone will stand out from it's closest rival, iphone which is set to launch sometime in June/July 2007 and already created enough buzz for the launch. People are ready to pre-order iphone this may. It seems google phone will come out with a unique design and some great features and it's too early to even imagine how would it look like.

We hope that it will have a good VOIP support and might come out with bundled VOIP software a Google Talk-lite version for Google phone.

VOIP Guide however did some research and gathered some google phone prototype pictures.

It's time to wait and watch till we get some cool gadgets up for grab!


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