Tuesday, April 24, 2007

VOIP Providers Interoperability

Almost every month a new VOIP service or provider is entering the market. Many of the VOIP services offer similar features but different rates, however most have stringent terms over the usage of their service. Although, they offer FREE VOIP services, it's always between the two registered member of their service. This limits the meaning of FREE VOIP. I always wonder how difficult it is for consumers to maintain a huge list of login ids for a bunch of free voip service they are using. For e.g: I actively use Jajah, Fring, voipcheap, Mediaringtalk and icall. They are my daily VOIP companions but I find it difficult to manage and interoperate between friends using different network. Imagine half of your frinds are on Jajah and some of them are on Fring. Switching between VOIP services just to connect to my other friends is no so sweet, isn't it?

Whats the possible solution? Well, its VOIP service Interoperability. It's one of the most tricky features someone can offer, since millions of dollars are at stake and who wishes to share it with other providers? Especially when someone is a market leader?

The possible solution is to unite and form a VOIP consortium and have a Common VOIP Id which can be used across providers and services. It's not just about having one ID but customers should have flexibility to interconnect between different service providers.

My ideal Model should work as folllows:

  1. Ability to connect to contacts with other providers e.g: Jajah users can tall to Fring users
  2. Common VOIP ID for multiple service providers
  3. Ability to choose the cheapest call provider. Should display the cheapest rate if not calling to contacts.
  4. SIP Users can call non-SIP users.
  5. Mobile VOIP users can call Landline VOIP users.
  6. Providers to share call rates (when called to a paid destination)
  7. Consumers enjoy calling to countries not offered by their VOIP Provider. For e.g: If Jajah offers free calls to India but Fring doesn't, then in that case, Fring customers can dial Jajah users for FREE or cheaper than regular charges. Fring in turn passes % revenue to Jajah.
  8. I don't know how this will work and it will be complicated to share the revenue. This is just an idea. Maybe Jajah or Fring guys can answer this better than me.

Any more ideas to make this model work better? Comments Welcome :-)


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