Tuesday, April 3, 2007

VOIPGuide Future Plans

It's been almost 4 months since i started blogging about VOIP. Perhaps my most successful experience at blogging. Thanks everyone to make this blog one of the most successful and highly rated blog in VOIP. I can't believe that this blog has achieved for which people spend atleast 2 years. Everything was possible because of some original articles, some great fellow VOIP bloggers and media coverage. I wouldn't like to disclose the Traffic numbers all over again and you all know they are significantly higher for a 4 months blog.

Moving on, I would like to take this blog forward and convert it into a community. I will shell out some more details soon. I am currently trying to find a good hosting package which can take the load for the traffic etc. If you know any please do suggest a good stable host for a large community.

I receive literally hundreds of emails everyday mainly about VOIP support issues. I do answer their queries whenver i can, but the information is not shared since it's sitting my personal email. I would like that important info to go out to people like you. But how will i do that? thats where i need your help.

I am still not able to finalise on whether i should start a VOIP discussion board or a VOIP portal? I need your feedback. Being a visitor, I trust in you more than my own beliefs. Your word will be the final. I might end up creating VOIP portal + VOIP forum. It's important to know what you guys really want.

Furthermore, to host this community it will cost me some $$$. I would be happy if some visitors can donate some money to this project. However, it's not compulsory. Currently, I am only looking for your vote on whether you would like to donate or not.

Please vote for your choice. If you have any other suggestion, please feel free to post under comments.

Today i am posting 2 polls. One is purely about your suggestion for the VOIP community & second is about Donation. Please vote.


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