Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Vonage VOIP timedout

Vonage, a leading US based VOIP company is supposedly loosing 2.5% of customers to another VOIP company each month. Already struggling with this customer dropout, now they have a larger issue at hand. They lost a major case agaisnt Verizon. In fact its Verizon who charged Vonage with multiple infringment of patents. Vonage lost the battle with a deadly gift from the judge.

This ruling will mean that Vonage will have freeze their new sign-up process. Already loosing vonage, will get badly hit by this new issue. According to analyst, Vonage has spent in the most recent quarter reached US$254.26 for each new customer. Its increasingly difficult with such aggresive marketing and fierce competition from low cost cable operators and VOIP providers.

Whatever will be the future of Vonage. One thing is for sure, no one is safe and we need to think atleast twice before we choose our next VOIP solution or provider.


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