Sunday, May 27, 2007

The best of VOIP Guide

Lately, I have noticed that many new visitors have not found answers to some of their VOIP questions or a voip solution they are looking for. The question ranges from Free calls to home country to a cheaper voip solution. Some new subscribers haven't got some valuable info on VOIP Guide which was posted a few months back. Today's post will cover the best of VOIP Guide.

1) Free Geographic incoming numbers : Many people have been looking for FREE incoming numbers in their home country mostly USA incoming numbers. there is a lot of information about free incoming number but most of those numbers are premium numbers, the callers will have to pay atleast 3 times normal charge. A geographic number is just like a number given by your telephone company, that's why it's unique service and very important to have one. This is the a unique post which should give you all the information about getting a FREE geographic incoming numbers. You can suggest any new provider to be added to the list.

2) Best VOIP Solution for unlimited Calls : This recent post about Jaduka VOIP has been read by over 3000 people and more than 5000+ times in only 2 weeks. That just shows the popularity of the post. Definately the most read post on VOIP Guide. This Jaduka Hack is the ultimate and exclusive for VOIP Guide.

3) Free International Calls: This FAQ session posted back in March is still one of the easy ways to find if your country is in the FREE international call list of any VOIP provider. Most of the popular countries are discusses in the FAQ session.

4) Jaxtr Free Call- Ultimate Guide: Ever thought that Jaxtr can be a wonder for FREE CALLS. Jaxtr was always a call utility for a webmaster or blogger but no one ever thought that it can be used to make free calls to many countries. VOIP Guide thought out of the box to give you this ultimate solution with a well written tutorial for easy understanding.

5) Gizmo call: VOIP Guide was the first blog to provide a hack to gizmo call's 10 minutes free call offer, with the hack you could make 20 mins calls and later 40 mins hack was released. It was so powerful that gizmocall engineers had to take it seriously and fixed the bug in the system. You can still make 20 mins calls with this working hack.

6) Top 10 VOIP Add-ons: A must read for pro-VOIP user. Some of the software to enhance your VOIP experience.

7) Jajah- A Insider's View: This post was applauded by Jajah Product manager as one of the good post about how Jajah was able to make progress in the competitive VOIP market. VOIP Guide even predicted a takeover bid which was however came true in a smaller form when Intel bought stake in Jajah.

Hope you have fun reading and implementing those ideas/solution as much as I do.


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