Sunday, May 6, 2007

Jajah VOIP 2 Hours Free Calls Giveaway

I posted about Rebtel ( Mobile VOIP) company giving away Free Calls on Mother's Day and also offering a free calls to mexico promotion. Now it's Jajah(VOIP) turn to play the promotions game. I knew that it was coming our way. Jajah is now offering 2 Hours of Free Calls to their new customers who register before 10th May 2007.

Hang ON. This offer is however only available in Canada, United Kingdom, Germany, Australia, France, Austria, Israel, Italy, and anywhere in the United States! I am sure you guys would love to call your mum :-)

Jajah is pretty good at offering such special promotions, I extensively used their last full day free calling promotion back in February. If you want to know about how Jajah is so good at promoting their products, I suggest you read my article about Jajah & PR

Please note that this promotion is only for new customers. So if you are already registered and used a specific number, you won't be able to use it again. Got another landling or Mobile Phone, then Register here

Skype is also offering free calls on Mother's Day. I suggest you top-up your Skype account in order to ensure free calls.

or Grab it from your neighbors, Steal it go wild :-)


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