Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Skype offering One day Unlimited Free VOIP Calls

Few days back, I posted about how Skype is loosing out on customers to Jajah, Fring and some other interesting VOIP startups. I guess Skype has reliased that their first mover advantage is no more to be found and if they have to stay profitable in this business they gotta offer something for FREE. Turst me even today "FREE" word sells your companion products pretty well. After skype stopped offering Free calls to USA and Canada from 1St Jan, there are huge number of people especially those who wouldn't like to pay for VOIP services started looking for options. Although, exact number are not published anywhere, I suspect the number could be significant.

Skype out of desparation has now teamed up with Intel (source: TMCnet) to push their product in the market with a Skype Mother's day free Calling. They are offering one day of unlimited FREE CALLS anywhere in the world, but hang on, it's only available for US and Canada. But maybe we can proxy it to see if it works :-)

I wonder how this "Free Calling Promotion" will help skype help gain any market share but they are surely hoping for some. Well for the rest of us, I would only think about making FREE CALLS, for me skype is nothing more than a standard VOIP Phone with a good voice quality. I don't use skype anymore to make free calls, especially when you have so many options to make free calls to USA and Canada.

*Just to let you all know that VOIP Guide is awarded as Feedburner's "Feed Of the Day" . There are literally millions of blog feeds on Feedburner, which is no.1 feed subscription service and being chosen as a "Feed of the day" is a great achievement in itself. I would like to thank everyone who visited this blog and participated in the comments section or linked to this blog which made it one of the fastest growing VOIP blog. It wasn't possible to achieve YOU.


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