Monday, May 28, 2007

Wireless VOIP wVOIP by Velophone

UK has seen some tremendous growth in VOIP industry especially Mobile VOIP space. The growth was lead by some great voip providers namely Fring, Truphone accelerating the scene. Lately, there is another alternative VOIP solution coming up, known as Wireless VOIP (wVOIP). wVOIP is very close to mobile VOIP however work on Wi-Fi connectivity.

New wVOIP service provider, Velophone announced a wVOIP service named as VeloMobile that will allow callers to use their existing SIM card and then automatically switch to making calls over VoIP when in range of Wi-Fi hotspot.

The limitation however is that you need to use a Wi-Fi compatible handset provided by Velophone. I wonder how many people will actually opt-in for the service. However Velophone is trying to integrate itself with Nokia handsets. It's essential that its compatible with multiple handsets and more widely used/knows handsets. Else Velophone will have tough time penetrating this market.

The best part of using Mobile VOIP or wVOIP services is that you can route your local calls over wVOIP or mobile voip services and start saving instantly. Whether or not other party has wVOIP or not you can still make cheaper calls than normal mobile phone charges.


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