Wednesday, June 6, 2007

12voip Free VOIP Calls service

Almost when VOIP Guide gave up on new Free Calling services, another regular reader Ranjt pointed me to this new betamax service called 12voip. I always wonder from where betamax comes out with names :-) 12voip doesn't make sense to me. Jokes, apart but Betamax keep rolling their new VOIP services and increase voip provider portfolio almost every 2 months.

However, at first look there is nothing great about 12voip besides that they offering unlimited free calls to multiple countries as long as you pay 10 euros for 3 months to keep your account active. That means to continue to make free calls to these destinations (some rare destinations included such as russia, malaysia, peru, portugal etc.) you need to top-up every 3 months. Yearly cost will be around 40 euros. Which is not all that bad, but I always hate betamax customer service. I meant they virtually don't have one.

Any hints, why they provide such FREE and low cost VOIP service. Since many of you are interested in knowing whether 12voip offers service for India. Well they do offer cheaper calls to India and it costs around 0.100 cents (I guess its 0.1), which is way low compared to other competitors.

Overall 12voip sounds like a good deal but I wouldn't go and top up my account in a hurry. A 10 euro top-up and 3 months usage might be good idea to evaluate their service and voice quality. Betamax voip service often have difrerent voice qualities for e.g voipcheap is better than voipdiscount

so if you want to test 12voip, Go download 12voip


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