Tuesday, June 19, 2007

cheap international calls with Globe 7

Many people who visited VOIP Guide during the last 6 months have always been complaining that i never discuss about Globe 7 and how it can be used to make cheap international calls worldwide. Well, honestly I am not a great fan of Ad-based or video-based free calling methods. However the latest globe7 voip softphone is worth a post.

I managed to interview
Yogesh Patel of Globe7. Yogesh is currently visiting Singapore for CommunicAsia, I managed to get hold of him on the phone.

During the quick interview, Yogesh stated that Globe7 is and will be the cheap international calls provider in the world. As i remember, Globe 7 used to offer free worldwide calls in lieu of watching videos. When asked, Yogesh said they had to stop free calls offer since people were not getting the proper benefit through the sponsored video calls. Globe 7 is currently offering 0.0490 cents to India, which is way lower than some of the other competitors. Globe7 believes rather than offering low quality free calls its better to offer quality cheap international calls to end users.

Yogesh also stated that Globe7's business model is not to make money from minutes. They are trying to pass the full benefit to users by giving the same wholesale rates. So how exactly is Globe7 making money? Well there is a catch, those videos you watch keep globe7 running! Those videos pay the bills @ globe7.

With over 23 Million downloads and 3.5 million active users covering 187 countries across 7 continents, Globe7 is currently one of the most used VOIP softphone in the world. Globe7 is also one of the cheapest international call service provider in the world.

TIP: Globe7 offers a free incoming number for it's gold members, if you like to become a gold member for FREE, then you need to verify yourself. Become a gold member

globe7 now available on Windows (including Vista), Mac and Linux (Including fedora). Its definately one of the very few voip softphones to support almost all OS.

I will be interviewing Yogesh once again post-communic asia. If you guys have specific request or value addition to the Globe7 software or want any specific feature in the next version, please post under comments.


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