Wednesday, June 27, 2007

EQO Mobile VOIP for Free international Calls to 28 countries

Yesterday I posted about possible growth in the Mobile VOIP market and it's so true with literally 2-3 new mobile voip providers launching almost every month. The mobile VOIP market is really hotting up. Today, I am discussing about this new mobile voip provider offering free calls to 28 key destinations worldwide.

EQO (spelled Echo) is a mobile VOIP service provider and they are offering free international calls to other EQO users and over 95% cheaper international calls to non-EQO users. EQO is currently offering 100 free international call minutes to promote their service. Grab the offer before its over.

You must be wondering every other VOIP solution provider claims that they offer a better service that others, so whom to trust? Which service to go far?

Well, I totally agree with the idea that most of the mobile VOIP are offering almost the same service, SIP compatibility but not many offer support to common mobile phones. Most of the providers today have restrictions over which phone will support their services. The issue is all low end phones are never supported by these mobile voip providers making it difficult for people to use their service. EQO scores over others in compatibility with mobile phones, they literally work with almost all of the mobile handsets currently available in the market. You name it they support it, which i think is really great. However, the only downside is EQO will use your data call connection to make calls. You will need to get a voice and data paln for your mobile. It's not very clear if it works on Wi-fi. If they do, then it could be free if you find a free wi-fi hotspot.

Using EQO is simply, Lets look at how you can use EQO for your mobile.

1) Sign up at EQO
2) Download their mobile VOIP application (EQO will send you a text message with a link to your mobile phone. Just open it, the application will auto-install itself)
3) Start making calls

EQO currently support only 28 countries but hopefully they will add more in future. So go check out EQO and make free international calls


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