Monday, June 11, 2007

Vote for VOIP Guide

VOIP Guide has always entertained you with latest news and free calls offers. Whether its a skype mother's day offer or a yak4ever hack, VOIP Guide was always the first to make it public.

Tommorow VOIP Guide will be a 6 months old baby. VOIP Guide has achieved lot more than I thought it would. The feedback was excellent and running this VOIP blog for last 6 months was prolly the best thing happened to me during this time.

This is something we achieved during the last 6 months

  • From 0-12 visitors per day in December 2006, Now VOIP Guide gets 6000-8000 visitors per day.
  • From 0-3 subscribers in December 2006, 4056 subscribers as i write this post.
  • One of the fastest growing VOIP Blog
  • Some other VOIP Bloggers rated us "Top VOIP blog"
  • Feedburner chose us as "Feedburner Feed of the day" from over millions of Feeds.
  • Some of our post were read by over 4000 people on single day----anyone remembers Jaduka

Now VOIP Guide wants something in return. We love favours :-)

VOIP Guide is now nominated for "Best Blog about Stuff" category at Blogger's Choice Award. Please vote for VOIP Guide using the badge below, click on the badge, visit the site register and vote for VOIP Guide.

My site was nominated for Best Blog About Stuff!


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