Monday, June 25, 2007

Wifi Mobile VOIP lets you make free calls

After writing a bunch of free voip solution review posts, I am back to articles :-) VOIP Guide gets two types of visitors, one looking for Free international calls and others looking to read some interesting articles such as Future of VOIP or VOIP in China . Today, I am writing for the article reader.

So where exactly this mobile voip market is heading to? Lets look at whats happening in the mobile voip market, a snapshot of latest events.

1) Truphone mVOIP was blocked by T-mobile (They did earlier). Fring was smarter to get away.

2) Yeigo mobile voip launched recently.
3) Tokiva (not really mobile voip) but uses mobile as a platform for making calls.
4) Fring launched their latest version and extended support to windows based mobiles phones.

Where are we heading with Mobile VOIP? I would say totally Free VOIP Calls? Wonder how?

People always think how mobile voip can be free? Well it can if you use a combination of Wifi + Mobile VOIP software to make calls, provided both parties use the same.

What do you need to make free mobile VOIP calls?

1) Get yourself a latest Wifi compatible Mobile (N80 or N65 is a good ot
2) Download Fring
3) Find a FREE hotspot at Jwire
4) Get connected to Fring using that wifi for FREE
5) Now ask your friends to do the same.
6) Roam anywhere in the world as long as you are connected to Wifi and Fring.
7) Make free calls even while roaming and even without a SIM card.

Well although, all this sounds like a big deal. In the next couple of years, even tom dick and harry will be doing this. Mobile voip should be more popular than landline voip in 1-2 years. Anyone remembers the mobile wave in early 2000? Expect a similar wave in 2008 for mobile voip. Its gonna be a mad rush :-)

Although, I seriously hope mobile voip remains FREE, i meant totally FREE :-)


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