Monday, July 2, 2007

Mobifon-2000 plans National VoIP Network In Russia

Our Russian brethrens have reason to smile. Mobifon-2000 – a licensed service provider of National and International Long Distance (NLD/ILD) network communication services – has declared that it shall be creating a next generation telecom network in Russia based on Israel-based VocalTec Communications’ Essentra VoIP technology.

VocalTec Communications Limited is a global provider of carrier-class multimedia and VOIP solutions with previous experience of deploying next generation NLD/ILD networks in Russia. Apart from making both companies richer by a few million (Which reminds me – if anybody’s got a few spare mils lying around, I accept check, cash and card), the agreement will also lead to the formation of a nationwide VoIP network in Russia. And when I say ‘Russia’ and ‘Nationwide’ in one breath, I mean HUGE.

Both new and existing subscribers to Mobifon-2000 will be able to avail the benefits (read drastically reduced costs) of the national VoIP network the company is planning – a move which will make Mobifon a serious threat to communication service providers following traditional transmission practices. If Mobifon’s marketing department can pull it off, this can spell out to be the beginning of computers replacing telephones as the standard communication instrument in Russia. The shift to Internet based communication also means that Mobifon will be able to boast of a more reliable and flexible network than their contemporaries’.

A total of four Essentra solutions are being deployed by Mobifon

1) Essentra CX Trunking Solution, which offers seamless connectivity to PSTN/SS7 services. If it is indeed as seamless as it claims, then the wait time which Computer users calling PSTN phones experience (at least I do – if you don’t, maybe I just don’t live right) will be a thing of the past. Ta-Da!
2) Essentra EX Peering Manager, which will enable secure IP-to-IP routing and service mediation.
3) Essentra Operational Support Server (OSS), a web-based management system which will enable remote element management. Controlling things from the comfort of home... I’d kill for that kind of power in real life.
4) And finally, Essentra Traffic Management System (TMS). No, this will not make Moscow roads less congested. Speak to your local councilor for that. The Essentra TMS will direct the millions of VoIP signals that will soon be flying in and around Russian bandwidth, enabling effective utilization of network resources. Something will be less congested after all!

Moreover, the Essentra deployment will also feature a MAP gateway, which will allow termination of calls on the group’s mobile network, thereby enabling the convergence of both wireline and wireless infrastructures. And if that wasn’t sufficient, VocalTec was creative enough to leave scope for rapid addition of new services and applications in Essentra. As the system grows, so does the software! Cheers, Comrade Russians!

This post is written by Guest blogger Samarth Chandola. Samarth will soon join VOIP Guide as full time blogger for VOIP News section and will extensively cover VOIP news across the globe.


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