Tuesday, July 31, 2007

mysipswitch Free Premier SIP Forwarding Service

VOIP Guide posted about SIP Call forwarding a few days back. The SIP tutorial was featured on many websites. However, we used Voxalot/Gtalk2voip as our preferred SIP Call forwarding service. Gtalk2VOIP still works great however Voxalot is now paid (since 16th July).

If you have been using Voxalot for quite a time and like the features but not ready to pay for the service, then we have have come up with a good solution.

Voxalot is really convenient and easy to use VOIP platform (I call it platform as they are not actually any VOIP provider). Voxalot allows to use as many VOIP services to be used with your single ATA/VOIP phone line and this is a very good feature when you have different VOIP in numbers. Registering all your VOIP in numbers with voxalot will ring all your numbers at one phone line.

The call out with dialling plans via different ISPs is as well a great feature which routes your call to cheapest service provider set by you.

Today we will discuss about a voxalot alternative service which is FREE and has almost all the options that you require in a SIP provider.we are talking about mysipswitch. This sip switch is run by a premiere sip service provider in Ireland called Blueface

As the name suggests this is a sip switch service which allows multiple sip registration with one piece of hardware. The registration is quite simple and straight forward; you do not even need to complete any subsequent link confirmation via email.

Lets see how we do this.

1) Register at mysipswitch.
2) You can register your sip services here and make your own dial plans to route your calls through different SIP services.
For details Read out SIP Call Forwarding Tutorial

3) To make use of your SIP hardware your SIP details will be as below:

User name : your user name
Password : your password
SIP proxy server: sip.mysipswitch.com

Tip: when you register your sip service, add sip: your mysipsiwtch user name@ in contact field to get incoming calls to ring your phone.

They do not allow configuring the codecs but when we tested their SIP registration, the call quality was excellent and so you do not need to worry which codec will be used to carry your voice. Mysipswitch also have real time call display switchboard GUI and they allow Call holdup/resume, call forward, call transfer etc via their GUI platform.

Certainly webcall back feature is missing here. Hopefully they would add it in near future.

This is an excellent alternative to Voxalot and easy to setup.

In our next review we will cover second option which is feature rich and a very good alternative to voxalot. Thanks to Vishnu for providing details of Setup and Guillaume BONNET of mysipswitch for pinging us about their service.


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