Monday, July 2, 2007

Ultimate VOIP Solution for Free Calls- Part 1

It has been a quiet 15 days at VOIP Guide. No great VOIP solutions to make free calls lately. Well the wait is over, Its time to welcome perhaps the best voip solution to make free calls. I will be splitting this solution into multiple posts to accommodate exact information related to multiple countries.

I would like to thanks Erion (Canada) for sharing this workaround and his constant followup with me for this great voip solution. I give him full credit for the solution.

Based on my testing(i could be wrong), This workaround will only work for

US/Canada, Portugal, Argentina, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, and United Kingdom.
Also includes:
Moscow and Saint Petersburg, Russia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; Seoul, South Korea; Taipei, Taiwan; Monterrey, Guadalajara, Mexico City, and Puebla, Mexico; Warsaw, Poland.
Mobile numbers are excluded except in US(excludes Alaska and Hawaii), Canada, and Singapore.

I couldn't test India or Pakistan numbers but I suggest you guys can test and let everyone know the results. The setup is the same so it shouldn't be difficult for anyone to test it based on the following guide.

Please read the following guide very carefully and do not miss any step or settings:
  1. Register your CellPhone/HomePhone with PhoneGnome
  2. PhoneGnome will ask you to verify your number by calling back on the registered number, so don't forget to that. Follow instructions on screen.
  3. When logged into their website (PhoneGnome) go under the features tab and activate Remote Access. Edit the settings to Ring SoftGnome with Home Phone:Active by ticking the box. Now save.
  4. On the same screen, Click View Sip Settings to see Sip Username, Password, and Sip proxy. Store it somewhere or keep this window open.
  5. Now go to VoXalot
  6. Get an account with a six digit number you like.
  7. Log into your VoXalot account, add PhoneGnome (using Sip Settings- PhoneGnome SIP username/password and proxy you got in step 4) as a provider, but set both Active and Register to No.
  8. Set your codecs as follows ulaw;alaw;g726;g729;ilbc;gsm, Save.
  9. Under Member Details on VoXalot, set Voicemail to No and leave the rest of the settings as is. Save the settings.
  10. Now on Voxalot under Forwarding set to forward all calls to your Cell Number (Number you registered with PhoneGnome without country code e.g 9810222121) and select provider as PhoneGnome. Save.
  11. Now people can call you using any of these local Access Numbers
  12. Now once you are connected, call Access Number then enter your extension (*010+ your 6 digit VoXalot username), wait for about 30 secs and it will connect.
Now those who don't have local access numbers, you can use icall or any other software allowing free USA calls to dial access numbers in USA and then dial phonegnome extension.

I highly recommend everyone try this setup for their own country and let us know the result, so I will update the second part of this solution. More free calls workaround hacks are on the way, I should be able to post them after some initial testing.

Do drop comments and let us know your success stories :-)


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