Monday, July 16, 2007

Yoomba offers Free Worldwide Calls via Email

Free VOIP space is heating up this summer with more new startups popping in this now crowded place. Well for consumers however it’s a great news, more free calls and more options to look forward to. You can always multiple services to make free calls worldwide.

This isreali startup firm, Yoomba joins the “Free voip” party and offering a very unique voip solution unlike the traditional PC to Phone, Phone to Phone alernatives which are getting too common. Don’t we use Email everyday, we atleast check 1 email each day, well I check almost 5 everyday and that too around 20 times. So a average person spends spends time on email if not on surfing the web. Yoomba banks on this consumer habit and trying to integrate solution with to this most widely used medium of communication on the web called Email.

Now you would be saying, OK I got Gmail and my friend have yahoo mail so how will this actually fit?

Yoomba has developed an open peer-to-peer application that integrates into any email network and converts your email address into a phone or messenger, allowing users to talk to people around the world, for free. No need to worry softphones, thinking about SIP settings etc. This is easier than making a peanut butter Sandwich.

However at the first look, I found Yoomba a bit cluttered all over my gmail but it could be just me. I thought it’s actually hijacking my Gmail by adding buttons to it. Slowly, I got into the whole idea and now it seems alright. I hate cluttered desktops and applications :-)

To use Yoomba, you need to do the following:

1) Go to Yoomba
2) Enter your email address to get Activation email.
3) Just click on the activation code sent you in email
4) This will start yoomba plugin download.
5) After completion, just loginto Yoomba.
6) Automatically Yoomba will integrate itself in all email application you use including your web email.
7) Start making Free Calls
8) Of course, do I have to say invite more people to Yoomba so you can talk for FREE.

Enjoy free worldwide calls with Yoomba.


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