Thursday, August 9, 2007

Cogeco to deploy SIP-based VoIP services

Very soon, Voice-over-Internet-Protocol will become Voice-over-Cable-Protocol in Ontario, Canada. Cogeco Cable – the second largest cable system operator in Ontario, Québec and Portu – is going to employ technology from Sigma Systems – a Texas based IT solutions provider – to deliver SIP-based VoIP services all across Ontario.

Cogeco will leverage Sigma’s Service Management Platform (SMP) and Voice Service Package for it purpose. Sigma’s SMP is a real-time, J2EE-based intelligent service control engine that provides the foundation to manage subscription, on-demand and real-time VoIP, High Speed Internet, Wireless, Commercial Services, IPTV and Video services across any network technology, on any functional device. Sigma’s Integrated Solutions span high-speed data, ISP, voice, video and converged multimedia services and will –

1)Increase Revenue Opportunities for Cogeco.
2)Increase Customer Satisfaction
3)Increase Data Integrity.
4)Decrease Operating Costs.
5)Decrease Average Call Handling Time.
6)Provide Cogeco with the appropriate platform to support the increase in their VoIP customer base.
7)Provide Cogeco with Order Management and Resource Management.
8)Provide access to Service Provisioning and Inter-Carrier Gateway Integration

Capabilities for VoIP such as Dial Tone, Voice Mail, Long Distance Service Provider Selection and CLASS calling features. The solution is also flexible and is designed to easily accommodate future features. Sigma has a good track record of deploying complex VoIP solutions; to date over 20 VoIP deployments worldwide – one of the prime reasons why it was chosen by Cogeco to deploy its own VoIP service.

'The time is ripe for cable operators to offer an enhanced user experience as a differentiatior over traditional telcos,' said Tim Spencer, President and COO of Sigma. 'They must be able to exercise precise control over the delivery of complex services like VoIP that involves tightly managing the overall business/operational process and network integration. With Sigma’s solutions, service providers can capitalize on the benefits of the end-to-end automation which allows them to deliver and manage their growing product and subscriber base more efficiently than ever before.'

Ironically, in 2005, Rogers Cable – Canada’s largest cable television company, which makes it Cogeco’s #1 Rival – selected Sigma for the deployment of its own digital telephony system. Makes me believe in those fairy tales I used to hear when I was little – the two cats fight, and the monkey gains all along.

This article is written by Samarth Chandola, VOIP News editor for VOIP Guide.


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