Sunday, August 5, 2007

Free Calls to Russia

Almost when you got a feeling that suddenly there is not much happening in Free VOIP space, VOIP Guide present to you another great way to make free calls to Russia. I can assure that this is just a start, we will be on hunt for more such as free calling SIP networks and using them as our backbone for free calling.

I received numerous comments and emails regarding people all over the world trying to call Russia mostly Moscow and St Petersberg. Besides couple of Betamax softwares no one offers free calls to russia and unlimited free calls to these cities no ONE. However that wait is over. We found a great russian SIP provider doing just that.

Its called SIPNET, a russian SIP provider offering free calls to moscow and St. Petersberg, well two most important cities in Russia. However the calls are unlimited they are limited to area codes 495, 499 and 812. Well that covers good bunch of numbers in these 2 cities.

Now Lets see how do we use SIPNET. We are giving you 2 alternatives to make free calls to Russia.

Before we start the tutorial, Lets first get an account with SIPNET. This was really tricky for me. Since the whole site is in russian and google was not able to translate it properly. I had to translate each single word :-(

But you dont have to do that hard work :-)

A) Go to SIPNET Registration Page.
B) Now dont worry. Let me tell you each field.

1) Field 1: Username
2) Field 2: Password
3) Field 3: Confirm Password
4) Field 4: Date of Birth E.g: 15/05/1980
5) Field 5: Floor (Dont know have a clue but select any option)
6) Field 6: Floor Description (Dont know have a clue but select any option)
7) Field 7: Email
8) Field 8: Your name (Put anything you like :-)
9) Field 9: Country (Put Russia)
10) Field 10: City (Out Moscow)
11) Field11: Verification Code (Enter code your see below. Its a number for verification)

Now Hit the button below, there is only one thats Submit in Russian. You will get a message in Russian on a next Screen, if you get any other error check that error with any translation service.

Now SIP NET will send you activation email. Remember to click on it, it will then activate your account. You are registered and the hard part is over.

Now lets see how we can use this to make free calls to Russia.

The first method is good for new or novice users:

1) Download X-lite (Its one of the most powerful SIP softphones available for FREE and will be handy in future as well)

2)Now Open X-lite and Right Click anywhere in the Main window.
3)Select SIP Account Settings
4)That opens another window to Add your SIP providers.
5)Select Add. This will open another window.
6) Put anything in Display Name.
Username= SIPNET Username
Password= SIPNET Password
Authorisation Username = SIPNET Username
Keep rest of setting as is and OK/Apply.

8)X-lite will try to connect to SIPNET server.
9)Once connected, you will message such as Your Username is: XXXXX. That means you are connected to SIPNET.

10) Now Dial number such as +74951111212

For more Advanced Users, Yogesh from Germany has worked on a great setup to use this from Google Talk with Gtalk2voip gateway.

1. Logon to your Google talk messenger (Download Google talk if you don't have it already). Add in your buddy list.if you already have in your Gtalk,no need to add it again.

2. open the chat window with (You can also register with Gtalk2voip and ask for invitation) and type "HELP" in that chat window & it will give you the list of text command which u can use, and at the last of this list it will give u Your personal account page URL .

3. Go to your personal account page and click on Define your own SIP providers and click on Add to define your SIP provider.

4. Put following details
Username : (your username)
Password : (your password)
Host :
Port : 5060
Teleprefix : +

select the both "Register to SIP" and "Enable" option.
Save it and come back to homepage.

5. Now click on "Define your dialing plan ".
click on "Add" and under "Edit dial plan" give following information.

Order : use the default value
Prefix(optional) : 7 (where 7 is country code of Russia)
Provider : ( where username is your username)
select "Enable"
Truncate digits : 0
Add prefix : (leave blank)

Save the information. This Step will enable gtalk2voip to always route your calls via SIPNET whenever you call Russia.

Now to make calls to Russian phone (area codes 495, 499 and 812) follow the text command of

For example to make call to +7495XXXXXXX type "call +7495XXXXXXX" in chat window of

for more help about command list of type "HELP" in chat window of

Happy free calling to Russia!


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