Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Google Phone in 2008 will it have VOIP?

google phone
iPhone has created the biggest buzz in last 10 years in telecom industry. Now Google is all set to release their Google Phone by Quarter 1 in 2008. We at VOIP Guide have written several aricles in the past about Google phone and its existence.
CrunchGear reports that "A HTC insider sent them a tip this weekend about an upcoming gPhone coming out of Taiwan that should launch Q1 2008. Google is currently assessing over twenty HTC models and refining its final handset design and will create a special version of Google Maps, compatible with built-in GPS, and compatibility with Gmail and the calendar app."

We strongly believe that google Phone would also support VOIP along with full SIP support for SIP-SIP and SIP-PSTN calls, maybe a Google Talk mobile VOIP client.

It would be interesting to see how Google will leverage SIP to offer PSTN calls? There were also strong rumours that google will enable PSTN calls in the exisiting Google talk application but there is no official news yet. Maybe Pat Phelan can answer this, he keeps roaming around at googleplex :-)

If ever that happens then what will be the future of our friendsGtalk2voip? Maybe Ruslan can answer it better than me.

Lets hope the Mobile OS is more customer friendly and we can play around with google phone instead of bitching around with iphone. We also heard the phone calls will be free with Google Phone. Huh? Will that be ever possible when we have our most wonderful telecom uncles trying to rip you off? lol


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