Saturday, August 11, 2007

Owtalk VOIP offers free calls to Hong Kong

VOIP Guide received many comments from our chinese readers about free calls to china and mainly Hong Kong. currently Mediaringtalk offers free calls to China (some provinces), however the calls are limited. Today, we feature another VOIP provider offering free calls to Hong Kong.

I would like to thanks to Yogesh Chauhan From Germany for writing this article for VOIP Guide.

Owtalk, a Hong Kong based VOIP provider is offering totally free calls to Hong Kong. The calls will be routed via Owtalk's SIP network.

Lets see how we can setup Owtalk:

1.Sign up with owtalk
2.After verifying your email, will give you Owtalk eyeBeam License Key and your SIP account Information. Take the backup of your SIP account details.
3.Download the Free eyebeam soft phone from here and configure it with your SIP information given by Owtalk.

Those users who do not want to use Soft phone they can use Gtalk for making free calls to Hong Kong.

STEPS TO CONFIGURE Gtalk2voip(Gtalk/Yahoo/MSN messenger)

1.Logon to your Google talk/Yahoo/MSN messenger.
2.Subscribe to the service in one of the possible ways:
a) Open your IM messenger and invite new recipient whose user id is
b)Go to the Gtalk2voip of this site and submit your user id by pressing "Invite!" button, then accept the invitation from

3. Open the chat window with type "HELP" in that chat window & it will give you the list of text command which u can use, and at the last of this list it will give u Your personal account page URL .

4. Go to your personal account page and click on “Define your own SIP providers” and click on “Add” to define your SIP provider.

5. Give SIP Account Information
Username :(your Owtalk SIP username)
Password :(your Owtalk SIP password)
Host :
Port : 5060
Teleprefix :+

select the both "Register to SIP" and "Enable" option.
Save it and come back to homepage.

6. Now click on "Define your dialling plan ".
click on "Add" and under "Edit dial plan" give following information.

Order : use the default value
Prefix(optional) : 852 (where 852 is country code of Hong Kong)
Provider ( where username is your username)
select "Enable"
Truncate digits :0
Add prefix : (leave blank)

Save the information. This Step will enable gtalk2voip to always route your calls via Owtalk whenever you call Hong Kong.

Now to make calls to Hong Kong phone follow the text command of

For example to make call to +85295XXXXXXX type "call +85295XXXXXXX" in chat window of

For more help about command list of type "HELP" in chat window of

VOIP Guide will be exploring more such FREE VOIP SIP providers offering free calls to various destinations. When we build a good list, we will make one global settings for all countries. That will be our ultimate free voip solution for free worldwide calls.

If you know any SIP provider offering free calls certain destinations, please let us know. You can drop comments or contact us at ut(dot)


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