Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Voice Over Internet Protocol VoIP 911 Location Services

A lot is happening about E911 and VoIP these days. While Britain made it mandatory for VoIP providers to offer E911 to their customers as part of their package last month.

we now have US-based TeleCommunication Systems coming up with an invention that provides HotSpot E911 (Enhanced 911) Location Information to Public Safety Answering Points. In simpler terms, it allows VoIP WiFi E911 calls to be routed to the correct Public Safety Answering Point while automatically providing the location of the caller at the time the call was established.

TeleCommunication Systems is a provider of wireless data communication technology solutions that require high levels of reliability. TCS provides wireless and VoIP E911 network-based services, secure deployable communication systems and engineered satellite-based services, and commercial location applications, like traffic and navigation, using the precise location of a wireless device. This precision of location is exactly what TCS is employing in this new system of providing Public Safety Answering Points the precise location of the Wi-Fi VoIP caller. The invention allows for a VoIP call to be established, requests a location update associated with the movement of a VoIP Wi-Fi device, and transmits the location information of the associated movement of the device. The location of the device can be automatically determined by the VoIP Wi-Fi device, or the updated information can be input by the user.

"Providing E9-1-1 service to VoIP Wi-Fi calls is an essential service as cellular carriers and VoIP providers increasingly are providing nomadic and mobile VoIP service through dedicated and dual-mode devices," stated Drew Morin, Senior Vice President and Chief Technology Officer for TCS. "Hybrid VoIP/cellular service, often referred to as Fixed Mobile Convergence (FMC), is starting to be rolled out in North America, with operators such as T-Mobile initiating service this year."

TeleCommunication Systems has filed a patent (# 7,260,186) for the same with the US Patent and Trademark Office, titled “Solutions For Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) 911 Location Services.” The invention is seen as a boon to mobile VoIP calls providers in the US, who were facing increased difficulties in complying with the FCC mandate requiring all wireless providers to provide E911 services, the basic argument being the difficulty to pinpoint the exact location of a moving VoIP caller as he moves from one Public Safety Answering Point Zone to another.

This article is written by Samarth Chandola, VOIP News Editor for VOIP Guide.


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