Monday, September 17, 2007

Gizmo5 Mobile VOIP offers free mobile calls

Michael is back on the VOIP scene with a great offering. We already know Gizmo Project and Gizmo Call, now SIP Phone has added Gizmo5 a mobile VOIP service to its much respected VOIP service offering.

The first thing that came to my mind. Is it any better than Fring or Truphone? We all know Fring is currently the best mobile VOIP provider with due respect to other good mobile voip client namely Truphone and Yeigo. They definately come 2nd and 3rd. So in this established mobile VOIP scene, where does Gizmo5 stand?

Well I was really suprised to see that Gizmo 5 has infact done a marvelous job with their mobile voip service. The best part of course would be their selling point is it supports wide number of mobile phones. I would say almost all of them that people would be using in 2007, I hope you guys got a decent phone :-)

Lets see whats Gizmo 5. Well its basically a extended Gizmo Project service on Mobile. You can continue to use your Gizmo Project ID on Gizmo5.

Some Quick features:

1) Chat with Gizmo, MSN, AIM, Yahoo, and Jabber contacts
2) Call any number and Gizmo contacts from your mobile phone - Of course charged based on Gizmo out rates.
3) Share files between any phone and PC.
4) Use your exisiting account and if you have remaining balance you can use it from Gizmo 5.

The best of the lot: You don't need INTERNET connection to make calls. All calls are routed via your existing plan.

So Whats good about it? Well more mobile compatibility can lead to more audience. More users means more coverage and it all boils down to viral usage of Gizmo 5.Well atleast thats what Michael is hoping for.

How to use it?

1) You can go to Gizmo 5 Website from your phone's browswer (you need to be connected to internet) or you can download the file from their website and transfer it to your phone.

2) Now connect to Gizmo 5 with your Gizmo Project ID. If you dont have one then register for it.

3) Now start making calls.

It wasn't clear, how Gizmo5 will work without internet. Well, after digging into more details, i found it uses "callback" system.

So, I tried it from Singapore to call the US. What happens is a message is sent to Gizmo's callback system which generates a phone call to your mobile phone. When you answer you hear something close to, "Please wait while we connect your call." Then the second leg of the call is connected, the call to the person you want to call. So there are two calls, one to your phone and one to the party you are calling. There is no SMS.

I also read somewhere that SMS will be free for Gizmo users.

Gizmo to Gizmo Calls are FREE but i fear that its using my data connection (3G/GPRS) to first send a small data message to Gizmo server for callback. I would love to hear your opinion on this. Unfortunately, there website has little or no explanation on how this works in relation to connectivity. They seriosly need to clear this up or they gonna loose some initial buzz.

Overall Gizmo 5 looks good if its giving your Gizmo to Gizmo calls free across the world without needing any special subscription.

Please post your comments and let us know how you managed to get Gizmo 5 working. This should work good for all indians since you guys can get flat rate GPRS in india and make unlimited calls with Gizmo :-) Way to go guys!


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