Monday, September 10, 2007

VOIP Guide Free VOIP movement achieves record growth

We are proud to announce that VOIP Guide now has over 5000 feed subscribers. One of the largest in the VOIP niche.VOIP Guide was launched in December 2006 and was a instant hit among people looking for Free international calls.

VOIP Guide was a unique VOIP blog targeted towards the free calls & Free voip community. People were always interested in knowing new free voip providers offering free international calls but all they could get was VOIP News. No consolidated info about where they can call for Free, how to make free calls, What are the various hacks/workarounds to make free VOIP Calls. We answered it all.

VOIP Guide today gets over 7000+ visitors each day mainly from USA, UK, India and Singapore but we are confident that the Free VOIP word was spread across the world by our website. It was an experiment which became successful. Today after about 8 months of existence we are a leading VOIP website/Blog. We get over 18000+ Page views each day on average.

We would like to thank each and everyone who contributed to VOIP Guide by sharing tips/hacks/workaround to make free calls. Together we made a difference.

Get it First at VOIP Guide

Today, VOIP companies look (read everyday) at VOIP Guide as a strong medium to advertise/promote their free calling/free voip offers.

We had some exclusive stories/ Beta launches in the past. Some of the best VOIP hacks ever to hit the internet. If you didn’t read the ultimate Jaduka hack, you missed the most sensational post on VOIP Guide. We removed it on request from Jaduka Guys, coz it was leading to lot of abuse.

Some notable Free VOIP hacks which forced the companies to change the way they work.

1) Gizmo Call- Hack for making 40 minutes Calls instead of the standard 10 minutes Call. Fixed later by Gizmo Call Team. Worked for around 1 month.

2) Jaduka Worldwide Free Calls (Link Removed)- This hack let everyone to make unlimited free calls anywhere in the world. This worked for about 15 days! Literally thousands of minutes were used.

3) Free Calls to India: Ultimate VoipCheap hack for making free calls to India. Fixed later in the newer version of voipcheap.

We wrote some of the best VOIP Tutorials

Our Readers love us. They always sent in some great tips/ideas/tutorials and always inspired us to write more. We wrote some good tutorials on SIP Call Forwarding and VOIP in General. The following tutorial might be handy for most of you.

1)SIP Call Forwarding

2)My SIP Switch: VoxAlot Alternative

3)How to convert analog phone into VOIP phone

4)Skype Free Wake up Call

Of course, there is a wealth of information in the Archives information, so do check it out.

Last but not the least, we are actively looking for a VOIP News Editor. If you are interested in being a part of VOIP Guide, please send your application at


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