Thursday, October 11, 2007

Fring VOIP needs your feedback

Are you one of us who believe that Fring is the best mobile VOIP client out there? It doesnt matter what's your answer since here is your exclusive opportunity to Ask Fring Founders and product managers questions and suggest ideas to improve Fring VOIP service.

We will interview Fring Founders and Product Managers sometime this week. However, rather than we writing questions, we thought its a good idea that we can get some direct feedback from our great visitors.

So if you have any specific queries/suggestions/feedback about Fring Mobile VOIP, Please do drop your questions/feeeback under comments. We will choose the best of the lot and prepare the final interview questionnaire.

If you are still living in cave and don't know Whats Fring? Then you must read some of older posts or reviews about Fring VOIP.

Whats so special about Fring?

1) The first mobile VOIP company to enable auto-roaming on Wifi/3G network.

2) When T-mobile blocked VOIP on N95 in UK. Truphone struggled to get over this and finally went to court. However, Fring enabled VOIP on N95 with ease.

3) Integrated Messenger support on Fring. They recently started supporting ICQ on Fring

So what are you waiting for, this is a golden opportunity to ask question to Fring Founders and get most reliable answers about this great company and their future plans.


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