Sunday, October 7, 2007

How to make Free Voip Calls FAQ

We receive on average about 20 odd comments each day on various posts about Free Calls. Its sometimes hard to answer each and every query. This post would hopefully answer most of regular Free calls questions people ask here.

This post is part of Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) series which we started a few months back. This is part 2 of this post, you can read Free VOIP FAQ part 1

1) I am from Australia and would like to Call Hong Kong. Whats the best VOIP service to make free or cheaper calls to Hong Kong?

Answer: You can use Mediaringtalk or OwTalk to make totally free calls to Hong Kong. Mediaringtalk has limitation of 10 mins per calls however you can make multiple calls to the same number.

2) I am a russian living in London. I often call my family back in moscow and spent a fortune on calling cards. Its way too costly here, can you help me save money by making free calls to russia?

Answer: Sure. Why not. Kick your calling card company. If you have a PC/Laptop, just read our Free Calls to Russia Guide. You can save every penny spent on making calls to russia.

3) You keep talking about SIP based VOIP and making free calls via SIP. How do i actually make free calls with SIP?

Answer: SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) is a protocol used for VOIP and followed by many leading VOIP providers. SIP being a protocol brings various providers together on single platform and allow interoperability.

The best part of using SIP is, everyone on SIP network has unique SIP URI which can be called via any other sip provider. This brings everyone together irrespective of the VOIP provider they are using. We written some good (people say great :-) guides for SIP. Maybe you can read about SIP Free Call Forwarding and LinkSys ATA WIP 300 SIP Phones to understand how SIP can be used to save money on international call.

Thats it for today. We will cover more such FAQ. If you have any specific question to ask, please drop comments. We will try to include it in next FAQ.


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