Thursday, November 29, 2007

Ooma Home Phone Service VOIP Guide Special $250 cash Back Coupon

Annoyed with your home phone service or VOIP provider? Paying monthly $$$ just to make unlimited phone calls? Then we got the ultimate solution for you. Just buy this device once and make free unlimited local USA calls for 3 years no monthly charges.

Choosing a VOIP Service is an extremely challenging job. We always thought of reviewing each voip provider for our readers and we hope to do that in near future. You can consider this review of ooma VOIP as the start of the VOIP provider comparison series.

Its extremely important to look for following factors before we choose our home phone service.

1) Reliability of the Service: How many years the service is live and running.
2) Quality of the service: This is very important since some VOIP providers suck at lower bandwidth speeds and only demand 1 mbps + connection.
3) People behind the company: Yes, this is important. Known companies tend to survive better than unknown firms.

Lets compare the above 3 important factors to Ooma and why you should buy Ooma and replace your existing service.

1) Ooma is run by a bunch of executives known for entepreneurship or technical Excellence. Names such as Andrew Frame (named, Tech's Best Young Entrepreneurs)and movie actor, Ashton Kutcher (don't be surprised) make them an interesting home phone provider.

2) Quality of service of Ooma can be better than others. Why? Coz Ooma would use supernodes to connect to each other. All ooma users connected to each other build a network of users who share bandwidth and improve your voice quality. Wonder why Skype is still better in voice quality than your favorite voip provider? Simply coz it runs off supernodes.

3) Reliability: Well Ooma will be free atleast for 3 years. After 3 years, they might or might not continue with the free service. However, You don't need to pay a single cent to them during the 3 years for local USA calls across all US states. I guess that seals the deal.

Lets see What Ooma is offering:

1) The Instant Second Line™, providing two lines on one number
2) The Broadband Answering Machine™ to screen messages & send to voicemail
3) Premium calling features, like call-waiting, three-way calling, and online voicemail, with more on the way
4) Unlimited US calling
5) Flexibility to integrate or eliminate a low-cost landline at any time
6) Call almost anywhere in the world for less than two cents per minute
7) Take your ooma system anywhere you move in the US
9) No monthly fees or contracts
10)Save thousands on phone bills!
With Ooma, you have an option to keep your existing landline service and use Ooma as a second line. Or else you can simply kick out your existing service and replace it with Ooma. It still make a lot of sense.

What you would gain?

1) Tremendous savings on monthly bills- You wont pay a cent to Ooma no monthly charges.
2) Unlimited calls to any USA state
3) Instantly save thousands of $$$ per year.
4) Make international calls by buying credit when you need.
5) 30 day money back gurantee if you don't like to continue. Unlikely I would say.

6) No need to piggyback off a computer.
Now lets get to the deal we are offering exclusively for our readers. Ooma is available at $599 retail price. We are offering you a price of only $399, thats $200 off regular retail price and that's not all. We got further discounts on this special discounted price exclusively for you. We are topping up $50 instant cashback on $399 making the offer price at bottom low $349. This is the best and most cheapest price in the market. We can challenge anyone who can beat that pricing. This deal will give you
When you buy Ooma with our Coupon, you would get a Ooma Box(see Pic) delivered to your home address. Grab the opportunity to Go buy Ooma exclusively for $349 before the offer closes.

Go buy Ooma at $349

If you have any questions, feel free to ask. We will get your answers directly from the Company.

Improve voip quality with PBXMate

Annoyed with background noise while making a important business call with your VOIP service? We are in the same boat. Often background noises decrease voip voice quality to substantially lower standards.

Solicall has a solution to address this issue. SoliCall announced the release of its PBX Mate – an innovative and breakthrough technology that will reduce background noise in VoIP networks supporting SIP.

By simple configuration, you can use SoliCall's PBX Mate in different ways, like:

* Filter all calls entering a conference room to enhance the audio quality in conference calls.
* Reduce background noise coming from external cellular phones or from other external systems.

We blogged about Solicall in the past and reviewed about their noise reducing solution in our Top 10 VOIP Software Add-on post.

The best thing about Solicall is, it works with any softphone or even normal voice messenger clients such as Yahoo, Google talk or Skype.

We recommend you give solicall a try. Their Solicall Add-on is totally free and PBX Mate is a paid software, more intended for business class voip users.

You can download Solicall Free Add-on

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The Pudding offering Free USA Canada Calls

We discussed about The Pudding VOIP when it was ready for a launch. Now they seem to have gone one step ahad and actually launched their pretty interesting VOIP service which offers totally free calls to USA and Canada in lieu of viewing advertisements.

You must be wondering are this ads just placed all over the place? is it just like the german cheap VOIP provider Peterzahlt? The answer is No. Pudding uses an intitive interface to listen to your conversion and pick up keywords and then display ads based on it. Interesting? It definately is.

Let see an example of The Pudding VOIP service.

the pudding VOIP
If you notice, the guy called up his friend using The Pudding Free Calls service to discuss about plans to go to hawaii. The Pudding software picked up hawaii keyword and started displaying relevant ads.
I wonder how well they are doing in advertisement based VOIP service. We knew that Globe7 once followed a similar model and later shut it down when they got more serious about making money. It also depends on the ad inventory for such service.
We also managed to grab an interesting Video of The Pudding VOIP service. Worth a look.

The Pudding Free Calls service is currently limited to USA and Canada only. My guess it would be limited to those 2 countries forever. The Pudding is also currently available to limited beta users. If you are in USA or Canada, you might wanna give thme a try. Who doesn't want a Free Calling service?

Go register your email for their Private Beta

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Rondee Free Conference Calling

We use web conferencing solution almost everyday at office to call distant colleagues or clients. Of course, we spend a lot of money while doing so but how about doing all this for FREE with many other advanced call conferencing solution features bundled with it? Sounds Cool isnt it?

Rondee,( "rendez-vous" which means (1) a meeting arranged for a specified time and place, (2) a popular meeting place for people) is doing just that, making your life easier by providing a call conferencing gateway and platform.

1) With Rondee , you can get your very own unique virtual meeting space by claiming your own Rondee ID (e.g. "Adam"). If the ID has not already been taken, it's yours!

2) When you want to talk with other people, just send them a text message, IM, or email asking them to dial 619-2-RONDEE (619-276-6333) and then enter your Rondee ID.

3)To get your very own virtual meeting space, call 619-2-RONDEE (619-276-6333) and enter your desired ID on the telephone keypad (e.g. "Adam" = "2326"). If it hasn't been claimed yet, its yours!

Of course, local call rates to Rondee number would apply.

Rondee might not be the best way to arrange a conference call but surely one of the easiest way to do it. I often forget passcode when i enter conference calls, then I rush back to grab it off my PC. Rondee sounds much easier to me.

Rondee is currently in beta and only available in USA. However am sure people outside Of USA can dial the number using free calling service to USA such as icall, earthcaller etc.

Go Explore Free Conferencing Solution at Rondee

Monday, November 26, 2007

VoxCall enabled free voip calls

It seems everyone in the VOIP industry wants to enter the Voice 2.0, Widgets, Mashups jargon or atleast associated themselves with this web 2.0 frenzy.

This time the good old veteran Voxalot does it with their new VOIP Free Calling Application for Facebook. The application is named VoxCall that allows you to easily initiate calls for free between your Facebook friends by using your Voxalot account.

All you have to do to configure,

1)Enter your Voxalot URI (eg. and you are ready to go.
2)To confirm your identity, VoxCall will call your number and ask you to enter the PIN that is displayed on the screen.
3)Using VoxCall is as simple as clicking on your friend's faces; VoxCall will automatically connect to whatever number your friends have configured.

In addition to calling your friends, you can also have a multi-way conference call with your friends.

So already a facebook member, then why not try VoxCall If you haven't signed up for Facebook, then you should. Check out why Microsoft paid $240 million for that tool:-)

Friday, November 23, 2007

Fring launches FringME free calling widgets

Leading mobile VOIP provider Fring has again went one step further by allowing anyone anywhere in the world to reach you on your mobile at zero cost.

Fring has always been front runner in coming out with new features or totally surprising market with workarounds others struggle to get over with. This time they did it with Widgets. Widgets are so web 2.0 or should we say voice 2.0, that everyone needs one.

Free Calling Widgets will be in excess supply in the coming days. However there is a difference between other widgets and FringMe widgets. Companies like Jaxtr, provide direct free termination to your mobile or landline phone but provide only a few credits to use. Fring doesn't have any such credit system however we also need to inderstand that they are terminating a call within Fring network, so at zero cost.

The only and perhaps the biggest advantage is Fring can be used on your mobile. So effectively you receive a call on your mobile, assuming connecting to internet as pre-requisite.

Once installed on a webpage, the FringME widget lets visitors interact with their fringing friends by viewing their online presence status and enabling instant chat (between that person on the web and the fringster on their phone). It also includes some new innovations – the first one now available is a real-time ‘find me’ feature that instantly opens a GoogleMaps window to show the fringster’s physical location via their GPS-equipped handset. (Of course privacy settings let you switch this off). This is really a cool feature, I just narrowed down Fring official ID to Isreal. Now I know where to ask Jon (from Fring) out for a drink when I visit isreal:-)

fringme maps

So now if you are on fring and want people all across the world to contact you for free. How about getting yourself a FringMe Widget?

FringMe Widget is currently in beta and Fring needs your feedback to make it even better. So bring in your suggestions.

Last but not the least, Happy thanksgiving to all!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Jajah Direct VOIP launched

Just when you thought access number based Free Calling services are about to close down, Jajah comes with Jajah Direct, access number based free or cheap calling service.

Jajah is a known leader in VOIP based free or cheap calls and have always been actively adding new features and services. Lately, however we seen some more corporate outlook towards running Jajah unlike what it was when they started. This is our personal opinion. We don't remember talking to Jajah employees since the funding :-)

Jokes apart, Jajah direct looks promising. It would be interesting to see how the service works for people across the world. Currently its limited to local access numbers in USA, Isreal, Italy, Germany, UK and Austria. Remember that Jajah Free Calling zone rules apply, that means if you live in USA and want to call a jajah member in Singapore. The call will be totally FREE (except the local call charges to access number based on your local plan).

Lets see how it will work for Jajah members calling another Jajah member in Free Calling Zone.

1) Dial the local JAJAH number to get started.
2) Then simply dial the desired number
3) JAJAH connects you
4) After your call you will receive a unique local number for your contact
5) Store their local number in your phone for direct dialing

For non-Free Calling zones, Local rates would apply.

So if you are a existing Jajah customer, please try Jajah Direct and lets us know your feedback.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Yak4ever close down

The free calling movement started by Pat Phelan with his first introduction of and then bouncing back with vengeance by providing another free calling service Yak4ever has finally come to an end.

We can understand the frustration that Pat must have gone through during the court cases and again by large telcos. At the end of the day, telcos won the battle. However the real question remains, whats the future of "minute Stealer" long distance free calling services? I would say not too bright.

Telco's dont give F to FCC rulings. As per Pat, "While the FCC has ruled that the marketing programs of the Rural CLECS are valid and serve a public purpose. In spite of this ruling, the Carriers are still refusing to pay." That means the carriers wont pay these free service providers and in turn kill their business for good. Big fish eats the small fish afterall.

Yak4ever was a fantastic service started by Pat Phelan, a fellow blogger, entrepreneur and personal friend. I am confident he will bounce back with something more exciting in near future. Of course he is doing good with MaxRoam however we expect to see him more on the VOIP scene in future.

It started with Futurephone, then it was and now Yak4ever. However we salute the courage of these providers who gave us free service in tough time.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Wizzl VOIP to offer cheap worldwide calls

There are more and more VOIP services launching as the year end comes around the corner. The new kid on the block is Wizzl. Its not yet launched officially but we grabbed the news for you in advance.

Wizzl, a new online communication provider based in the Netherlands. Wizzl will launch on 23rd November at Gameplay. Wizzl calls itself the first ever all-in-one virtual phone. Wizzl is trying to give you all services under their Wizzl Beta softphone.

With Wizzl you can make calls to over 70 countries at 1.5 eurocents. Got anything cheaper than this? Of course calls between Wizzl users are completely FREE.

Wizzl gives you free and direct access to live TV, internet radio and the most popular web games around. Your personal photographs, music and videos will also be at your fingertips.

Wizzl is giving 10 minutes trial for a new user, so you can test their system and check the quality of service. Although Wizzl will be officially launched on 23rd, you can download their Wizzl Beta Softphone today and test the system.

During the next 1 year or so, Wizzl will extend their service to mobile users. It would be interesting to see if Wizzl can beat the rates provided by Betamax and other cheap providers. If they can do it, it would be a great competitor in the VOIP market. Secondly, they didn't disclose the 50 countries list for 1.5 cents rate. Hopefully on 23rd the picture would be more clear.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Globe7 VOIP releases version 8.0

Globe 7 started advertising based VOIP model some years back and instanly became hit. They managed to get over 1 million globe 7 client downloads in no time.

However stopped offering free Pc to Phone calls once they established themselves as a known voip providers. Globe 7 started offering free calls in lieu of watching streaming video content from media partners. If you watch a video, they used to credit your account with talktime which you could use to make calls anywhere in the world.

The things have changed since then and now Free Calls are non-existent besides a few sponsord offers minutes. However the sponsored minutes page when we checked was seriously difficult to understand. There is no clear criteria on how the minutes will be credited and What sponsor expects from the visitor.

This leaves Globe 7 to be recognised as a pure cheap VOIP provider. Why cheap? coz they offer some great competitive rates to some destinations. For e.g: According to their website, India can be reached at 0.0528 thats about 5 cents per minutes. Surely looks competitive in comparison to the Standard market rate of close to 6-8 cents per minute.

Globe 7 version 8.0 also offers Soft Phone, IM, Videos, Games, News. You can add more widgets to the softphone from their website.

At the end of the day, Globe 7 is just another VOIP service which offers low cost calls to certain countries.

You can download Globe 7 version 8.0

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Sprint Wimax party over?

Even before the partnership could bear fruits, Sprint Nextel and Clearwire have mutually agreed to terminate their agreement to build a nationwide WiMax network. This is definitely a bad news, not only for Clearwire, but also for the entire industry.

One of the reasons for this could be the pressure from the Wall Street to scale down the WiMax plans. Last month Sprint CEO Gary Forsee resigned under pressure from the investors. Sprint has already lost 37 percent of its value since August 2005 and investors feel the current plant of WiMax deployment will not help the company's cause either.

Even though Sprint Nextel reinstated its commitment to deploying the WiMax services, it would not be an easy task to deploy a WiMax network all alone. Intel, Nokia, Samsung and other equipment manufacturers would obviously feel the heat. Let us look at some of the implications of this incidence:

1. This early jolt would seriously undermine the confidence in the viability of the WiMax network.
2. The investor shouts to stop the wimax plan would get louder and may result in Sprint Nextel abandoning the WiMax plan.

Elsewhere, Sprint Nextel is getting more comfortable with Google . There are even rumors of Google acquiring Sprint Nextel. Google has made its intention of getting into voice amply clear. If WiMax has to see the light of the day, we need the deep pockets of Google. For Google, Sprint Nextel could be the vehicle to enter the voice domain and challenge the hegemony of AT&T and the likes.

The next few months would be very crucial for the WiMax future. If Google gets serious about the whole thing, it would mean a brighter future for WiMax; else it may be one more excellent technology going down the drains.

No one really know how this could possibly effect VOIP Over Wimax.

This article has been written by our VoIP news editor Alok Saboo. Alok is pursuing his PhD in Marketing at the Pennsylvania State University.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Diwali Cheap Calls to India

This diwali rather this entire november you can make calls to your loved ones at cheap rate. We already know that betamax provides one of the cheapest rate in the market. However people are always on the lookout for more stable and reliable cheap service.

Mediaring is now offering 6 cents per minute to Call India (Fixed or Mobile) during diwali and entire november 2007. MediaringTalk also offers free calls to Australia, UK, Canada, US, China and Taiwan. One of the only VOIP provider to offer free calls to UK and Taiwan. Others expect you to pay, but mediaringtalk offers FREE services without even paying a single cent. This makes it more interesting.

On the other side, since its FREE its widely used and we sometimes gets SIP Server Busy errors. However occassional errors for a truly FREE service are acceptable.

If you are interested in using a more reliable service to call India, why not try MediaringTalk?

We also revealed MediaringTalk SIP details which you can configure on your favorite SIP Phone or VOIP Adapter and forget their s0ftphone.

If you don't have SIP Phone, then you need to download MediaRingTalk.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Idiots Guide to SIP VOIP

During the last 6-8 months we have written multiple post on how to use SIP to make free calls worldwide. Some VOIP services offer complete or partial SIP support and some just don't work with SIP, e.g: Skype.

Today, we are going to look back to some of our older post which you might have missed. These posts should help you understand how SIP works and how you can make Free Calls via SIP.

1) SIP Call Forwarding Guide: This guide explains how you can setup free call forwarding with SIP.

2) MySIPSwitch: Voxalot is and was a great SIP service but now they are paid. MySIPSwitch is another great replacement for Voxalot.

3) Free Calls to Austrlia, UK, USA, Canada and China: Learn how to setup SIP to make free calls to these destinations with our exclusive mediaring SIP settings Guide.

4) Free Calls By MTNL: You may be wrong when you believe MTNL VOIP can save a lot of money for you. A revealing post by Vinay about the real truth behind MTNL's VOIP/SIP plans.

5) Free Calls to Romania: Ever thought of dialing a Romanian? Do it now.

6) Fring way to make Free Calls: Use Fring, leading SIP based mobile VOIP provider for Free Calls.

7) Myth behind Ooma VOIP: Interesting Article by Alok Saboo about the real worth of Ooma VOIP Service.

8) Free Incoming Numbers for your SIP Phone: Get a free incoming number for your VOIP/SIP Phone.

We hope these articles will not only educate you more on SIP but help you in setting up a FREE SIP service.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Free Calls in Singapore

We thought of giving something back to the users this diwali. Nothing better than offering totally free calls in Singapore, all at our expense.

VOIP Guide has tied up with a local telecom provider who is ready to offer totally free calls within Singapore for limited time. VOIP Guide gets huge numbers of visitors from Singapore and since I am based here, its easier for me to negotiate good deals for our readers.
This service is in fact a Callback system and should work on M1, Singtel and Starhub mobiles only.

Lets see how we can make your local calls totally free.

1) You tell us your mobile number.
2) We activate call back system and assign credits to your account.
3) We give you our gateway number.
4) Now you just need to dial our gateway number.
5) Your call will be automatically disconnected and you would get a call back on your mobile from our gateway number.
6) Pickup call and dial your desired local singapore landline/mobile number without pressing Call again. Just wait for about 10 secs.
7) Your Call will be connected. Talk as much as you want, all on us :-)

You save money for all outgoing calls. You don't need to pay even 1 cent to starhub, M1 or Singtel. In future if possible, we can offer this service at rock bottom prices or maybe free.
Currently We can issue upto 100 members with free credits of 20 minutes(prepaid mobile operators will charge you up to SGD S$ 4.20 for the same 20 minutes!). The Trial offer is limited to 24 hrs (1 full day) from the time of activation.

This service is targetted towards businesses, however VOIP Guide has bought this to the masses. If the response is good, we might consider launching it for the regular consumers.

Anyone wishes to use this service for call centers or businesses, please contact me. This service is provided at flat rate charge per month and you can save upto $10000 per month for a low usage call center. It could be highly cost effective for a high volume call center business who have singapore as target market.

If you want to use this free trial offer or want to know more about the Business Plans, please send email to ut(dot)

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Joiphone offers 3 cents per minute to India

Worried about Joiphone not covering your hometown in India as Free Destination? I guess now you can worry less by paying the cheapest ever rate to Call India anytime of the day any part of India.

We recently blogged about PhonePower and Lingo-They offers 2.5 cents per minute to India. Read our joiphone review.

We received some great feedback from our readers. Lot of happy customers at the end of day and of course not all were happy coz their local hometown in India wasn't covered under the plan. Now they can call their loves one in any part of India even the remotest village for 3 cents per minute flat charge.

This is by far the best rate available in the market today. I know some betamax services offer a similar rate but you can't a established VOIP company with betamax which has no customer service. Customer service is extremely important in today's competitive world, so you also need to look at services besides the price difference.

Joiphone gives you both so you can relax and not worry about someone stealing your hard earned money.

This offer has expired. You need to signup for this offer to enjoy Free unlimited calls to most popular destinations of India or rest of India at 3 cents per minute.

If you have any specific question regarding this offer, Please drop comments. VOIP Guide can get you answers faster than anyone else. We directly talk to the Joiphone marketing team and gives you the best discounted offers available on the internet.

Last but not the least, those who are outside of USA and want to buy joiphone we have some good news. We spoke to Joiphone and they are designing a new exclusive plan for people outside of USA. We will get some good offers for you hopefully this week. Stay tuned and keep reading VOIP Guide.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Skype on Mobile

Ebay recently quoted that they overpaid for Skype. Well everyone knows the truth they did. Now it seems skype is eyeing the fast growing mobile voip market by deploying a skype powered mobile phone in the market.

The good news is those who still love skype can use it to make totally free international calls. The question is can this be successful? We all know skype made VOIP popular on the traditional PC side. Can they repeat the success for mobiles?

Skype has teamed up with 3 has launched the skype mobile on 2nd november in UK. The users can make totally free skype to skype calls and send IM to other skype users. Of course, they can use skypeout for making calls to traditional phone lines.

The 3 Skypephone will be available this year in the UK, Australia, Austria, Denmark, Hong Kong, Italy, Ireland, Macau and Sweden.

We grabbed a Youtube video to give you a quick look at the 3 SkypePhone.

Impressed? go Buy Skype Phone from Skype Shop.

Hopefully skypephone would be soon available on other networks and other countries. Does this trigger enough interest in Mobile VOIP? Is this a serious thread to companies like Fring, Truphone and Yeigo ?

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Challenger Mobile VOIP offers free calls

Mobile VOIP is the latest buzzword in VOIP industry. Its literally growing faster than residential VOIP and at some stage its gonna surpass the residential VOIP business.

Why? coz mobile voip can be deployed on your exisiting mobile phone and who doesnt have a mobile today? However the only limitation is some of the older handset are not supported, coz these handsets dont work with SIP. SIP is the standard protocol for all VOIP providers.

The new entrant in this already strong mobile VOIP market is "Challenger Mobile". They too seem to work with SIP. Like everyone else, Challenger offers totally free calls to other challenger users and also to other SIP URI. That means if you are using challenger, you can call other Fring users who also support SIP completely.

When you sign up for Challenger mobile, you get your very own SIP number. It looks like an email address but is more like a super-powered phone number! Basically the number is just your phone number. If your mobile number is +6598292212 then your SIP number is The number is instanly activated and can be called via other SIP providers.

Challenger does not offer free calls to any destinations (landline = Mobile) however offers a premium service which is paid to use. They offer a challengerout account. However when we checked prices, its kinda costly for India. Its a bout 14 cents per minute. Overall their prices are definately not killing any competition.

At the end of the day, its another new mobile VOIP. The only good thing however is they support SIP. Eventually when there is enough growth of mobile voip, the current mobile operators will start offering SIP to SIP unlimited calls for a fixed price. That day is not too far away. Atleast thats what we can say by looking at the growth in this market and the new products being introduced.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Get Free Italy VOIP Number

When in Rome, do as the roman's do. So how about getting a totally FREE VOIP incoming number in Rome, Italy? Well all it takes is your precious 5 minues to register a free incoming VOIP number which you can use with your favorite SIP/ VOIP service.

In past, we covered a huge list of incoming geographic numbers in various countries. However besides, UK and germany we didnt get anything for the rest of europe. However we found out a great service called messageNet, which is offering a free and paid services.

FreeNumber service offers free incoming number in area code (02), Rome (06) and Turin (011), to receive calls from all telephones, mobiles or even from other Voice Over IP services. That means its geographic number and not a free premium rate or non-geographic number.

The benfit of getting a geographic number is it can be called via any POTS telephone system or any mobile service. Its just like your landline number. Non-geographic numbers can't be reached by normal telephones and mobiles.

So if you have any special interest in Italy and wants to own a local italian number, why not get one free incoming number in Italy.

Friday, November 2, 2007

VoipBuster offers free texts

VOIPBuster one of the oldest betamax outlet is now offering free text messages to certain countries. Voipbuster is known to be one of the best and old free voip/cheap voip company. Of course being a part of Betamax services, it keep changing the rules and offers.

Now it seems during the diwali and christmas festive seasons, we should see some great offer out in the market. Atleast we can hope for.

VoipBusters offers free calls to many destinations worldwide and can also be used with your favorite SIP client/ SIP Phone/ VOIP Adapter.

VoipBuster is now offering free texts to following countries:

Hong Kong

If you are interesting in making calls or SMS to other countries, do check VOIPbuster Rates.