Sunday, December 16, 2007

TerraSIP offers Free Calls

As we said earlier, there are more free calling services making their way in the market. Today, we discuss about free calls to pakistan and free calls to bangalore. More and more VOIP providers are trying to push their products or services by giving free calls during this peak holidays season.

Terrasip is just doing that. TerraSIP as the name suggest is a purely SIP based VOIP provider. Its currently offering free calls to a massive list of destinations mainly landlines.

List of Free Calling destinations available on TerraSIP

Argentina Buen. Aires free
Argentina La Plata free
Australia Melbourne free
Australia Brisbane free
Austria Vienna free
Brazil Rio de Janeiro free
Canada Toronto free
Canada Alberta free
Canada Quebec free
Canada Quebec City free
Chile Santiago free
China Beijing free
China Shenzhen free
China Mobile free
Colombia Bogota free
Cyprus free
Czech Rep. Prague free
Denmark Copenhag. free
Estonia Talinn free
France Paris free
Germany free
Greece Athens free
Hungary Budapest free
India Bangalore free
Indonesia Jakarta free
Iraq Bagdad free
Ireland Dublin free
Israel Tel Aviv free
Italy free
Japan Tokyo free
Korea South Seoul free
Latvia Riga free
Malaysia Kuala Lum. free
Mexico Guadalajara free
Mexico Mexico City free
Netherlands Amsterd. free
New Zealand Auckl. free
Norway Oslo free
Pakistan Karachi free
Peru Lima free
Poland free
Portugal free
Romania Bucharest free
Russia Moscow free
Russia St Petersburg free
Slov. Rep. Bratislava free
Spain free
Sweden free
Switzerland free
Turkey Ankara free
United Kingdom free
USA New York free
Venezuela Caracas free

There is a small catch, you need to have atleast 1 cent in your account in order to make free calls. I guess that's really not too much to ask for isnt it?

I have tested Terrasip on X-lite and it works pretty good. You can register on their website and then they send you SIP details of your account.

The TerraSIP SIP details are:

Configuration and operation references (Sip server Settings):

Server Address: ......
Port: ...... 5060
Domain Name: ......
Voice Port: ...... 5060
Outbound Proxy IP: ......
Outbound Proxy Port: ...... 5060
stunserver: ......

Phone Number: ...... your Sip number (see your account in MyTerraSip)
CallerID: ...... your Sip number
Port: ...... 5060
User Name: ...... your Sip number
Password: ...... your SIP-Password .

Dialing advice:
Dial a number always without 00, but always with country area code, even if calling within your own country, for example for Germany, Frankfurt you dial 4969xxxxx, for Spain, Barcelona 3493xxxxxxx.
(Always the country area code without 00 and then the area code, also without leading 0).

If you didnt notice yet, You can call India (Bangalore) for free and also to Pakistan (Karachi). Of course you can call that huge list of countries for free. They have some insane deals, you can make free calls to iraq. I hope Bush uses this service for good :-)

So what you are waiting for? Go make your first free calls with Terrasip.


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